Source code for refnx.reduce.reduce

import string
from copy import deepcopy
from pathlib import Path
from time import gmtime, strftime
from multiprocessing import Queue
from threading import Thread
import time

import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
import h5py

from refnx.reduce.platypusnexus import (
from refnx.util import ErrorProp as EP
import refnx.util._resolution_kernel as rk
from refnx.reduce._tof_simulator import SpectrumDist
import refnx.util.general as general
from refnx.reduce.parabolic_motion import (
from refnx.dataset import ReflectDataset, Data1D
from refnx.dataset.data1d import _data1D_to_hdf
from refnx._lib import possibly_open_file

_template_ref_xml = """<?xml version="1.0"?>
<REFroot xmlns="">
<REFentry time="$time">
<REFdata axes="Qz:Qx" rank="2" type="POINT" \
spin="UNPOLARISED" dim="$_numpointsz:$_numpointsy">
<Run filename="$_rnumber" preset="" size="">
<R uncertainty="dR">$_r</R>
<Qz uncertainty="dQz" units="1/A">$_qz</Qz>
<dR type="SD">$_dr</dR>
<Qx type="_FWHM" units="1/A">$_qx</Qx>

class ReflectReduce:
    def __init__(self, direct, prefix, data_folder=None):
        self.data_folder = Path.cwd()
        if data_folder is not None:
            self.data_folder = Path(data_folder)

        if prefix == "PLP":
            self.reflect_klass = PlatypusNexus
        elif prefix == "SPZ":
            self.reflect_klass = SpatzNexus
            raise ValueError(
                "Instrument prefix not known. Must be one of ['PLP', 'SPZ']"

        if isinstance(direct, ReflectNexus):
            self.direct_beam = direct
        elif type(direct) is str:
            direct = self.data_folder / direct
            self.direct_beam = self.reflect_klass(direct)
            self.direct_beam = self.reflect_klass(direct)
        self.prefix = prefix

    def __call__(self, reflect, scale=1.0, save=True, **reduction_options):
        return self.reduce(
            reflect, scale=scale, save=save, **reduction_options

    def reduce(self, reflect, scale=1.0, save=True, **reduction_options):
        Reduction of a single dataset.

        The reduction uses the direct beam specified during construction of
        this object. This method reduces all the spectra present in the
        reflected beam file (see platypusnexus.ReflectNexus.process for
        eventmode specification and other related options), but aggregates
        all data in the direct beam spectrum.

        reflect : string, hdf5 file-handle or PlatypusNexus object
            A string containing the path to the specularly reflected hdf5 file,
            the hdf5 file itself, or a PlatypusNexus object.
        scale : float, optional
            Divide all the reflectivity values by this number.
        save : bool, optional
            If `True` then the reduced dataset is saved to the current
            directory, with a name os.path.basename(reflect)
        reduction_options : dict, optional
            Options passed directly to `refnx.reduce.ReflectNexus.process`,
            for processing of individual spectra. Look at that method docstring
            for specification of options.

        datasets, reduction : tuple

        datasets : sequence of ReflectDataset

        reduction : dict
            Contains the following entries:

            - 'x' : np.ndarray
                Q values, shape (N, T).
            - 'x_err' : np.ndarray
                Uncertainty in Q values (FWHM), shape (N, T).
            - 'y' : np.ndarray
                Specular Reflectivity, shape (N, T)
            - 'y_err' : np.ndarray
                Uncertainty in specular reflectivity (SD), shape (N, T)
            - 'omega' : np.ndarray
                Angle of incidence, shape (N, T)
            - 'm_lambda' : np.ndarray
                Wavelength, shape (N, T)
            - 'm_ref' : np.ndarray
                Offspecular reflectivity map, shape (N, T, Y)
            - 'm_ref_err' : np.ndarray
                uncertainty in offspecular reflectivity, shape (N, T, Y)
            - 'm_qz' : np.ndarray
                Qz for offspecular map, shape (N, T, Y)
            - 'm_qx' : np.ndarray
                Qx for offspecular map, shape (N, T, Y)
            - 'n_spectra' : int
                number of reflectivity spectra
            - 'datafile_number' : int
                run number for the reflected beam
            - 'fname' : list
                the saved filenames
            - 'direct_beam' : ReflectNexus
                Direct Beam object
            - 'reflected_beam' : ReflectNexus
                Reflected Beam object

        N corresponds to the number of spectra
        T corresponds to the number of Q (wavelength) bins
        Y corresponds to the number of y pixels on the detector.

        All the values returned from this method are also contained as instance
        attributes for this object.


        >>> from refnx.reduce import PlatypusReduce
        >>> # set up with a direct beam
        >>> reducer = PlatypusReduce('PLP0000711.nx.hdf')
        >>> datasets, reduction = reducer.reduce('PLP0000708.nx.hdf',
        ...                                      rebin_percent=3.)

        reflect_keywords = reduction_options.copy()
        direct_keywords = reduction_options.copy()

        # spectrum_dist is a callable that returns a probability distribution
        # for the wavelength distribution.
        detailed_kernel = reflect_keywords.get("detailed_kernel", False)
        if detailed_kernel and not hasattr(self, "_spectrum_dist"):
            _direct = False
            if isinstance(self.direct_beam, PlatypusNexus):
                _direct = True

            q, i, di = self.direct_beam.process(
            q = np.clip(q, 0.5, 25).squeeze()
            i = i.squeeze()
            _sd = SpectrumDist(q, i)

            def _spectrum_dist(x):
                return _sd.pdf(x)

            self._spectrum_dist = _spectrum_dist

        # get the direct beam spectrum
        if isinstance(self, PlatypusReduce):
            direct_keywords["direct"] = True
        direct_keywords["integrate"] = -1
        if (
            "peak_pos" in direct_keywords
            and hasattr(direct_keywords["peak_pos"], "len")
            and len(direct_keywords["peak_pos"]) == 2
            # don't use a user specified peak_pos for direct and reflected
            # beams, only for the reflected beam. Leave the computer to find
            # the direct beam pos. Alternatively one can use the manual beam
            # finder

        if "eventmode" in direct_keywords:

        if "event_filter" in direct_keywords:


        # get the reflected beam spectrum
        reflect_keywords["direct"] = False
        if isinstance(reflect, ReflectNexus):
            self.reflected_beam = reflect
        elif type(reflect) is str:
            reflect = self.data_folder / reflect
            self.reflected_beam = self.reflect_klass(reflect)
            self.reflected_beam = self.reflect_klass(reflect)

        # Got to use the same wavelength bins as the direct spectrum.
        # done this way around to save processing direct beam over and over
        reflect_keywords["wavelength_bins"] = self.direct_beam.m_lambda_hist[0]

        self.reflected_beam.process(**reflect_keywords) = save

        --Specular Reflectivity--
        Use the (constant wavelength) spectra that have already been integrated
        over 2theta (in processnexus) to calculate the specular reflectivity.
        Beware: this is because m_topandtail has already been divided through
        by monitor counts and error propagated (at the end of processnexus).
        Thus, the 2theta pixels are correlated to some degree. If we use the 2D
        plot to calculate reflectivity
        (sum {Iref_{2theta, lambda}}/I_direct_{lambda}) then the error bars in
        the reflectivity turn out much larger than they should be.
        ydata, ydata_sd = EP.EPdiv(

        # calculate the 1D Qz values.
        xdata = general.q(self.omega_corrected, self.reflected_beam.m_lambda)
        xdata_sd = (
            self.reflected_beam.m_lambda_fwhm / self.reflected_beam.m_lambda
        ) ** 2
        xdata_sd += (
            self.reflected_beam.domega[:, np.newaxis] / self.omega_corrected
        ) ** 2
        xdata_sd = np.sqrt(xdata_sd) * xdata

        ---Offspecular reflectivity---
        normalise the counts in the reflected beam by the direct beam
        spectrum this gives a reflectivity. Also propagate the errors,
        leaving the fractional variance (dr/r)^2.
        --Note-- that adjacent y-pixels (same wavelength) are correlated in
        this treatment, so you can't just sum over them.
        i.e. (c_0 / d) + ... + c_n / d) != (c_0 + ... + c_n) / d
        m_ref, m_ref_sd = EP.EPdiv(
            self.direct_beam.m_spec[:, :, np.newaxis],
            self.direct_beam.m_spec_sd[:, :, np.newaxis],

        # you may have had divide by zeros.
        m_ref = np.where(np.isinf(m_ref), 0, m_ref)
        m_ref_sd = np.where(np.isinf(m_ref_sd), 0, m_ref_sd)

        # calculate the Q values for the detector pixels.  Each pixel has
        # different 2theta and different wavelength, ASSUME that they have the
        # same angle of incidence
        qx, qy, qz = general.q2(
            self.omega_corrected[:, :, np.newaxis],
            self.reflected_beam.m_lambda[:, :, np.newaxis],

        if detailed_kernel:
            res_kernels = []

            for i in range(self.n_spectra):
                cat =
                p_theta = rk.P_Theta(
                da = reflect_keywords.get("rebin_percent", 1.0) / 100.0
                pa, _ = self.reflected_beam.phase_angle(i)

                chod, d_cx = self.reflected_beam.chod(scanpoint=i)
                p_lambda = rk.P_Wavelength(
                res_kernel = rk.resolution_kernel(

        reduction = {}
        reduction["x"] = self.x = xdata
        reduction["x_err"] = self.x_err = xdata_sd
        reduction["y"] = self.y = ydata / scale
        reduction["y_err"] = self.y_err = ydata_sd / scale
        reduction["m_ref"] = self.m_ref = m_ref
        reduction["m_ref_err"] = self.m_ref_err = m_ref_sd
        reduction["qz"] = self.m_qz = qz
        reduction["qx"] = self.m_qx = qx
        reduction["omega"] = self.omega_corrected
        reduction["m_lambda"] = self.reflected_beam.m_lambda
        reduction["nspectra"] = self.n_spectra
        reduction["start_time"] = self.reflected_beam.start_time
        reduction["datafile_number"] = self.datafile_number = (
        reduction["direct_beam"] = self.direct_beam
        reduction["reflected_beam"] = self.reflected_beam

        fnames = []
        datasets = []
        datafilename = Path(self.reflected_beam.datafilename).name
        datafilename = datafilename.split(".nx.hdf")[0]

        header = self._create_metadata_header()

        for i in range(self.n_spectra):
            data_tup =

            for i, dataset in enumerate(datasets):
                fname = f"{datafilename}_{i}.dat"
                with open(fname, "wb") as f:
          , header=header)

                if detailed_kernel:
                    _d = list(
                    _d[-1] = res_kernels[i]
                    _data = Data1D(_d)
                    fname = f"{datafilename}_{i}.hdf"
                    _data1D_to_hdf(fname, Data1D(_data))

                # fname = f"{datafilename}_{i}.xml"
                # with open(fname, "wb") as f:
                #     dataset.save_xml(f, start_time=reduction["start_time"][i])

        reduction["fname"] = fnames
        return datasets, deepcopy(reduction)

    def data(self, scanpoint=0):
        The specular reflectivity

        scanpoint: int
            Find a particular specular reflectivity image. scanpoints upto
            `self.n_spectra - 1` can be specified.

        (Q, R, dR, dQ): np.ndarray tuple
            dR is standard deviation, dQ is FWHM
        return (

    def data2d(self, scanpoint=0):
        The offspecular data

        scanpoint: int
            Find a particular offspecular image. scanpoints upto
            self.n_spectra - 1 can be specified.

        (Qz, Qx, R, dR): np.ndarrays

        return (

    def scale(self, scale):
        Divides the reflectivity values by this scale factor

        scale: float
            Divides the reflectivity values by a constant amount
        self.m_ref /= scale
        self.m_ref_err /= scale
        self.y /= scale
        self.y_err /= scale

    def write_offspecular(self, f, scanpoint=0):
        Writes reduced offspecular data to a file

        f : {str, filehandle}
            Uses `np.savez` to save data. When loading these files you can use
            `npzfile = np.load(outfile); m_qz = npzfile['m_qz']`

        scanpoint : int

    def _create_metadata_header(self):
        header = []
            f"reflected_beam_number: {self.reflected_beam.datafilename}"
        header.append(f"direct_run_number: {self.direct_beam.datafilename}")
        header.append(f"samplename: {}")

        ps_dct = self.reflected_beam.processed_spectrum
        header.append(f"beam_centre: {ps_dct['m_beampos']}")
        header.append(f"beam_sd: {ps_dct['m_beampos_sd']}")
        header.append(f"lopx: {ps_dct['hipx']}")
        header.append(f"hipx: {ps_dct['lopx']}")
        rdo = ps_dct["reduction_options"]
        header.append(f"rebin_percent: {rdo['rebin_percent']}")
        header.append(f"background: {rdo['background']}")
        header.append(f"lo_wavelength: {rdo['lo_wavelength']}")
        header.append(f"hi_wavelength: {rdo['hi_wavelength']}")

            "Warning: the format of this header may change at any"
            " time. Do not rely on it staying constant"
        header.append("Q (1/A), R, dR (sigma), dQ (1/A, FWHM)")
        return "\n".join(header)

[docs]class PlatypusReduce(ReflectReduce): """ Reduces Platypus reflectometer data to give the specular reflectivity. Offspecular data maps are also produced. Parameters ---------- direct : string, hdf5 file-handle or PlatypusNexus object A string containing the path to the direct beam hdf5 file, the hdf5 file itself, or a PlatypusNexus object. data_folder : str, optional Folder where the datafiles are stored. Examples -------- >>> from refnx.reduce import PlatypusReduce >>> reducer = PlatypusReduce('PLP0000711.nx.hdf') >>> datasets, reduced = reducer.reduce('PLP0000711.nx.hdf', ... rebin_percent=2) """ def __init__(self, direct, data_folder=None, **kwds): super().__init__(direct, "PLP", data_folder=data_folder) def _reduce_single_angle(self, scale=1): """ Reduce a single angle. """ n_spectra = self.reflected_beam.n_spectra n_tpixels = np.size(self.reflected_beam.m_topandtail, 1) n_ypixels = np.size(self.reflected_beam.m_topandtail, 2) # calculate omega and two_theta depending on the mode. mode = self.reflected_beam.mode # we'll need the wavelengths to calculate gravity effects. wavelengths = self.reflected_beam.m_lambda m_twotheta = np.zeros((n_spectra, n_tpixels, n_ypixels)) detector_z_difference = ( self.reflected_beam.detector_z - self.direct_beam.detector_z ) beampos_z_difference = ( self.reflected_beam.m_beampos - self.direct_beam.m_beampos ) Y_PIXEL_SPACING =[0] total_z_deflection = ( detector_z_difference + beampos_z_difference * Y_PIXEL_SPACING ) if mode in ["FOC", "POL", "POLANAL", "MT"]: # omega_nom.shape = (N, ) omega_nom = np.degrees( np.arctan(total_z_deflection / self.reflected_beam.detector_y) / 2.0 ) """ Wavelength specific angle of incidence correction This involves: 1) working out the trajectory of the neutrons through the collimation system. 2) where those neutrons intersect the sample. 3) working out the elevation of the neutrons when they hit the sample. 4) correcting the angle of incidence. """ speeds = general.wavelength_velocity(wavelengths) collimation_distance = s2_sample_distance = ( - ) # work out the trajectories of the neutrons for them to pass # through the collimation system. trajectories = find_trajectory( collimation_distance / 1000.0, 0, speeds ) # work out where the beam hits the sample res = parabola_line_intersection_point( s2_sample_distance / 1000, 0, trajectories, speeds, omega_nom[:, np.newaxis], ) intersect_x, intersect_y, x_prime, elevation = res # correct the angle of incidence with a wavelength dependent # elevation. omega_corrected = omega_nom[:, np.newaxis] - elevation m_twotheta += np.arange(n_ypixels * 1.0)[np.newaxis, np.newaxis, :] m_twotheta -= self.direct_beam.m_beampos[:, np.newaxis, np.newaxis] m_twotheta *= Y_PIXEL_SPACING m_twotheta += detector_z_difference m_twotheta /= self.reflected_beam.detector_y[ :, np.newaxis, np.newaxis ] m_twotheta = np.arctan(m_twotheta) m_twotheta = np.degrees(m_twotheta) # you may be reflecting upside down, reverse the sign. upside_down = np.sign(omega_corrected[:, 0]) m_twotheta *= upside_down[:, np.newaxis, np.newaxis] omega_corrected *= upside_down[:, np.newaxis] elif mode in ["SB", "DB"]: # the angle of incidence is half the two theta of the reflected # beam omega = ( np.arctan(total_z_deflection / self.reflected_beam.detector_y) / 2.0 ) # work out two theta for each of the detector pixels m_twotheta += np.arange(n_ypixels * 1.0)[np.newaxis, np.newaxis, :] m_twotheta -= self.direct_beam.m_beampos[:, np.newaxis, np.newaxis] m_twotheta += detector_z_difference m_twotheta -= self.reflected_beam.detector_y[ :, np.newaxis, np.newaxis ] * np.tan(omega[:, np.newaxis, np.newaxis]) m_twotheta /= self.reflected_beam.detector_y[ :, np.newaxis, np.newaxis ] m_twotheta = np.arctan(m_twotheta) m_twotheta += omega[:, np.newaxis, np.newaxis] # still in radians at this point # add an extra dimension, because omega_corrected needs to be the # angle of incidence for each wavelength. I.e. should be # broadcastable to (N, T) omega_corrected = np.degrees(omega)[:, np.newaxis] m_twotheta = np.degrees(m_twotheta) self.omega_corrected = omega_corrected self.m_twotheta = m_twotheta self.n_spectra = n_spectra
[docs]class PolarisationEfficiency: """ Describes the polarisation efficiency of a neutron scattering system with the option of having a polariser, flipper-1, flipper-2, and analyser in the system. The dimensions of processed spectra are (n_spectra, TOF). Since we expect that our efficiencies are purely wavelength dependent and not dependent upon the spectra within a Nexus file, we neglect the n_spectra axis when dealing with polarisation efficiencies. Parameters ---------- wavelength_axis : numpy.array (T,) Array of wavelength bin centres to initialise the length of the (T, 4, 4) efficiency matrices. config : {"full", "PF"} Indication of polariser/analyser configuration. If "full" is used, all polarising and flipping elements are taken into account. If "PF" is used, only the polariser and flipper are taken into account. """ def __init__(self, wavelength_axis, config="full"): # Define sizes matrices to be (T,4,4) where T is the number of # wavelength bins if np.ndim(wavelength_axis) != 1: raise ValueError( "Number of dimensions of wavelength axis must be 1" ) self.wl = wavelength_axis self.pol_eff = np.empty_like(self.wl) self.ana_eff = np.empty_like(self.wl) self.flipper1_eff = np.empty_like(self.wl) self.flipper2_eff = np.empty_like(self.wl) self.polariser_matrix = np.zeros((len(self.wl), 4, 4)) self.analyser_matrix = np.zeros_like(self.polariser_matrix) self.flipper1_matrix = np.zeros_like(self.polariser_matrix) self.flipper2_matrix = np.zeros_like(self.polariser_matrix) self.combined_efficiency_matrix = np.empty_like(self.polariser_matrix) # Initialise standard values self.standard_efficiencies(config=config)
[docs] def standard_efficiencies(self, config): """ Define PLATYPUS polarisation efficiency matrices as described in the invited article in Rev. Sci. Instr. 83, 081301 (2012) `Polarization "Down Under": The polarized time-of-flight neutron reflectometer PLATYPUS' ( In this formulation, the relationship between raw spectra from each spin channel and the efficiency-corrected polarised reflectivity is shown by the matrix equation I = F1 * F2 * P * A * R where I and R are the (TOF, 4, 1) raw spectra and corrected reflectivity, & F1, F2, P, and A are the (TOF, 4, 4) efficiency matrices from the RF flippers, polariser and analyser. This includes coefficients for the function `f(x) = a - b * c ** x` Parameters ---------- config : {"full", "PF"} """ # Define polariser efficiency as function of wavelength. p1a = 0.993 p1b = 0.57 p1c = 0.47 self.pol_eff = p1a - p1b * p1c ** (self.wl) # Define analyser efficiency as function of wavelength p2a = 0.993 p2b = 0.57 p2c = 0.51 self.ana_eff = p2a - p2b * p2c ** (self.wl) # Define flipper1 and flipper2 efficiencies as function of wavelength # These are set with a constant value as these are essentially # wavelength independent for PLATYPUS self.flipper1_eff = np.full(len(self.wl), 0.003) self.flipper2_eff = np.full(len(self.wl), 0.003) # Convert efficiencies to the form where: # P = 0 implies total spin polarisation in the down direction # P = 1/2 implies zero net spin polarisation # P = 1 implies total spin polarisation in the up direction P1 = (1 + self.pol_eff) / 2 P2 = (1 + self.ana_eff) / 2 F1 = self.flipper1_eff F2 = self.flipper2_eff # Check analyser position. If out of the beam, assume analyser and # flipper2 efficiency is perfect. if config == "PF": F2 = np.full(len(self.wl), 0.000) P2 = np.full(len(self.wl), 0.000) # Fill a (T, 4, 4) matrix for the polariser, analyser, flipper1, # and flipper2 efficiencies for each wavelength bin. Then # multiply them together for the combined efficiency # Create an array of zeros and ones the same length as the wavelength-dependent # polarisation efficiency array P1 to use in the vectorised # construction of the efficiency matrix z = np.zeros_like(P1) one = np.ones_like(P1) # Shape of P1 is (T,) # Polariser matrix shape is (4, 4, T). Transpose dimensions to be (T, 4, 4) self.polariser_matrix = [ [(1 - P1), z, P1, z], [z, (1 - P1), z, P1], [P1, z, (1 - P1), z], [z, P1, z, (1 - P1)], ] self.polariser_matrix = np.transpose( self.polariser_matrix, axes=(2, 0, 1) ) # Shape of P2 is (T,) # Analyser matrix shape is (4, 4, T). Transpose dimensions to be (T, 4, 4) self.analyser_matrix = [ [(1 - P2), P2, z, z], [P2, (1 - P2), z, z], [z, z, (1 - P2), P2], [z, z, P2, (1 - P2)], ] self.analyser_matrix = np.transpose( self.analyser_matrix, axes=(2, 0, 1) ) # Shape of F1 is (T,) # Flipper 1 matrix shape is (4, 4, T). Transpose dimensions to be (T, 4, 4) self.flipper1_matrix = [ [one, z, z, z], [z, one, z, z], [F1, z, (1 - F1), z], [z, F1, z, (1 - F1)], ] self.flipper1_matrix = np.transpose( self.flipper1_matrix, axes=(2, 0, 1) ) # Shape of F2 is (T,) # Flipper 2 matrix shape is (4, 4, T). Transpose dimensions to be (T, 4, 4) self.flipper2_matrix = [ [one, z, z, z], [F2, (1 - F2), z, z], [z, z, one, z], [z, z, F2, (1 - F2)], ] self.flipper2_matrix = np.transpose( self.flipper2_matrix, axes=(2, 0, 1) ) # Broadcasted matrix multiplication of efficiency matrices # Shape is (T, 4, 4). This is to be applied to a (N, T, 4, 1) array # of the measured spin channel intensities to produce a (N, T, 4, 1) # array of the efficiency-corrected spectra for each spin channel self.combined_efficiency_matrix = ( self.flipper1_matrix
[docs] @ self.flipper2_matrix @ self.polariser_matrix @ self.analyser_matrix )
def custom_efficiencies(self, config): """ Define custom efficiency function for polariser, analyser, and flippers to reduce data. Recommended only for advanced users. """ raise NotImplementedError
[docs]class PolarisedReduce: """ Reduces a direct beam and reflected beam spinset to produce a polarised neutron reflectivity curve that is corrected for polarisation efficiency. Parameters ---------- spin_set_direct : refnx.reduce.SpinSet Direct beam runs from a PNR experiment. Attributes ---------- spin_set_direct : refnx.reduce.SpinSet Direct beams from PNR experiment reducers : dict Dictionary of each measured spin channel "dd" : refnx.reduce.PlatypusNexus (R--) "du" : refnx.reduce.PlatypusNexus or None (R-+) "ud" : refnx.reduce.PlatypusNexus or None (R+-) "uu" : refnx.reduce.PlatypusNexus (R++) Examples -------- >>> from refnx.reduce import SpinSet, PolarisedReduce >>> direct_beams = SpinSet( ... down_down = 'PLP0012793.nx.hdf', ... up_up = 'PLP0012795.nx.hdf', ... up_down = 'PLP0012794.nx.hdf', ... down_up = 'PLP0012796.nx.hdf' ... ) >>> refl_beams = SpinSet( ... down_down = 'PLP0012785.nx.hdf', ... up_up = 'PLP0012787.nx.hdf', ... up_down = 'PLP0012786.nx.hdf', ... down_up = 'PLP0012788.nx.hdf' ... ) >>> reducer = PolarisedReduce(direct_beams) >>> datasets, reduced = reducer.reduce(refl_beams) """ def __init__(self, spin_set_direct): self.spin_set_direct = spin_set_direct self.reducers = {} # Note: order of dd, du, ud, uu matters here since we iterate # over these later on for sc in ["dd", "du"]: self.reducers[sc] = PlatypusReduce(spin_set_direct.dd) for sc in ["ud", "uu"]: self.reducers[sc] = PlatypusReduce(spin_set_direct.uu) def __call__(self, spin_set_reflect, pol_eff=None, **reduction_options): return self.reduce(spin_set_reflect, pol_eff=None, **reduction_options)
[docs] def reduce( self, spin_set_reflect, pol_eff=None, save=True, scale=1.0, **reduction_options, ): """ Reduce a `refnx.reduce.SpinSet` of polarised neutron reflected beams, and correct for the efficiency of the polariser system. Parameters ---------- spin_set_reflect : refnx.reduce.SpinSet Spinset of reflected beams pol_eff : refnx.reduce.PolarisationEfficiency, optional Input a defined polarisation efficiency of the polariser - flipper 1 - flipper 2 - analyser system. reduction_options : dict, optional Reduction options to apply to every spin channel being reduced. This will override any individually defined reduction options for each spin channel Attributes ---------- spin_set_reflect : refnx.reduce.SpinSet Reflected beams from PNR experiment """ # get a default set of reduction options options = ReductionOptions() options.update(reduction_options) # set up the wavelength bins if options["wavelength_bins"] is None: wb = calculate_wavelength_bins( options["lo_wavelength"], options["hi_wavelength"], options["rebin_percent"], ) options["wavelength_bins"] = wb # a list of which datasets has been reduced ok self._reduced_successfully = [] # go through each spin channel and reduce it for sc, reducer in self.reducers.items(): # first get the correct reduction options rdo = spin_set_reflect.sc_opts[sc] if rdo is None: rdo = options else: # overwrite properties that need to be common rdo["wavelength_bins"] = options["wavelength_bins"] rdo["lo_wavelength"] = options["lo_wavelength"] rdo["hi_wavelength"] = options["hi_wavelength"] rdo["rebin_percent"] = options["rebin_percent"] db = reducer rb = getattr(spin_set_reflect, sc) if rb is not None: db.reduce(rb, save=save, scale=scale, **rdo) self._reduced_successfully.append(sc) else: # no reflected beam for a spin channel continue assert ( reducer.reflected_beam.m_spec.shape == reducer.reflected_beam.m_spec_sd.shape ) assert ( reducer.direct_beam.m_spec.shape == reducer.direct_beam.m_spec_sd.shape ) assert ( reducer.direct_beam.m_spec.shape == reducer.reflected_beam.m_spec.shape ) # make sure that the "ud and "du" direct beams get processed. This is # the "spin leakage". If everything was perfect this would be 0. for sc in ["du", "ud"]: pn = self.spin_set_direct.channels[sc] if pn is not None: pn.process(**rdo) # by this point an unpolarised reduction has been done, but we need to # correct the spectra for PNR. The following spectra (N, T) should be # overwritten: # self.reducers[sc].reflected_beam.m_spec # self.reducers[sc].reflected_beam.m_spec_sd # self.reducers[sc].direct_beam.m_spec # self.reducers[sc].direct_beam.m_spec_sd # THIS IS WHERE THE MAGIC HAPPENS self._efficiency_correction(pol_eff=pol_eff) # once the wavelength spectra have been corrected/overwritten then the # reflectivities need to be recalculated. # this doesn't correct the offspecular for sc in self._reduced_successfully: reducer = self.reducers[sc] # Add ycorr to reducer attributes and divide # by the corrected reflected beams by direct beams reducer.y_corr, reducer.y_corr_err = EP.EPdiv( reducer.reflected_beam.m_spec_polcorr, reducer.reflected_beam.m_spec_sd, reducer.direct_beam.m_spec_polcorr, reducer.direct_beam.m_spec_sd, ) # Apply scale to reduced data reducer.y_corr /= scale reducer.y_corr_err /= scale if save: # now write out the corrected reflectivity files fnames = [] datasets = [] datafilename = Path(reducer.reflected_beam.datafilename).name datafilename = datafilename.split(".nx.hdf")[0] for i in range(np.size(reducer.y_corr, 0)): data = data_tup = ( data[0], reducer.y_corr[i], reducer.y_corr_err[i], data[-1], ) datasets.append(ReflectDataset(data_tup)) for i, dataset in enumerate(datasets): fname = f"{datafilename}_{i}_PolCorr.dat" fnames.append(fname) with open(fname, "wb") as f:
def _efficiency_correction(self, pol_eff=None): """ Applies the combined efficiency matrix correction to raw spectra. The efficiency correction is given by pol_eff and should be supplied by `refnx.reduce.PolarisedReduce.reduce`. Parameters ---------- reducers : dict of PlatypusReduce objects reducer objects for each spin channel pol_eff : optional, refnx.reduce.PolarisationEfficiency object Describes the polarisation efficiency of PLATYPUS. If None, then will initialise the standard efficiency during the correction process. *advanced users only* Returns ---------- corrected_reducers : dict of PlatypusReduce objects reducer objects for each spin channel that have spectra with the suffix "_polcorr" that has been corrected for the polarisation efficiency of the PLATYPUS setup. """ # If only one spin-flip channel is recorded, assume both # spin-flip channels are identical m_spec = self.reducers["dd"].reflected_beam.m_spec measured = set(self._reduced_successfully) sf = {"du", "ud"} nsf = {"dd", "uu"} # Create dict of direct and reflected beam spectra rb_spectra = {} db_spectra = {} for sc, reducer in self.reducers.items(): # dd, du, ud, uu # NSF if sc in nsf: # these should definitely be measured rb_spectra[sc] = reducer.reflected_beam.m_spec db_spectra[sc] = reducer.direct_beam.m_spec if sc in sf: # Need to get spin-flip direct beams from SpinSet since # we don't include them in the reducer pn = self.spin_set_direct.channels[sc] if pn is None: db_spectra[sc] = np.zeros_like(m_spec) else: # this is the spectrum that "leaks" through when you # measure a "spin flip" direct beam db_spectra[sc] = self.spin_set_direct.channels[sc].m_spec if sc in self._reduced_successfully: # you measured the spin channel rb_spectra[sc] = reducer.reflected_beam.m_spec elif measured.intersection(sf): # you don't have the spin channel, but you have the other it = measured.intersection(sf).pop() rb_spectra[sc] = self.reducers[it].reflected_beam.m_spec else: # you have no SF channels rb_spectra[sc] = np.zeros_like(m_spec) if pol_eff is None: # Define polarisation efficiency of PLATYPUS # If the analyser is out of the beam and the mode is POL, then # we assume that the analyser and flipper 2 have a perfect # efficiency. Otherwise if analyser is in the beam and the mode # is POLANAL, then use real efficiencies. # Check whether mode is POLANAL or just POL instead of this if self.reducers["dd"] == "POL": # if mode is POL then analyser is out of the beam, and config # only uses polariser and flipper1 config = "PF" elif self.reducers["dd"] == "POLANAL": # if mode is POLANAL, analyser is in beam and # polarisation config uses all elements. config = "full" pol_eff = PolarisationEfficiency( self.reducers["dd"].reflected_beam.m_lambda[0], config=config ) else: if not isinstance(pol_eff, PolarisationEfficiency): raise ValueError() # Define sizes of corrected beam spectra (N, T, 4, 1) and # inverted combined efficiency matrix to be (1, T, 4, 4) # where T is the number of wavelength bins # Invert and apply the refnx.reduce.PolarisationEfficiency parameters # to the raw spectra to correct for efficiencies. inverted_combined_efficiency_matrix = np.linalg.inv( pol_eff.combined_efficiency_matrix ) # Create numpy arrays with shape (N, T, S, 1) (n_spectra, tof, # spin_channels, 1) to broadcast with array of # efficiency matrices N_TBINS = m_spec.shape[1] MAX_N_SPECTRA = np.max([s.shape[0] for s in rb_spectra.values()]) raw_db = np.zeros([MAX_N_SPECTRA, N_TBINS, 4, 1]) raw_rb = np.zeros([MAX_N_SPECTRA, N_TBINS, 4, 1]) raw_db[:, :, 0, 0] = db_spectra["dd"] raw_db[:, :, 1, 0] = db_spectra["du"] raw_db[:, :, 2, 0] = db_spectra["ud"] raw_db[:, :, 3, 0] = db_spectra["uu"] raw_rb[:, :, 0, 0] = rb_spectra["dd"] raw_rb[:, :, 1, 0] = rb_spectra["du"] raw_rb[:, :, 2, 0] = rb_spectra["ud"] raw_rb[:, :, 3, 0] = rb_spectra["uu"] corrected_db = inverted_combined_efficiency_matrix @ raw_db corrected_rb = inverted_combined_efficiency_matrix @ raw_rb # Assign corrected spectra to m_spec_polcorr, and reshape to (N, T, 4). # TODO handle uncertainties for sc in self._reduced_successfully: # NOTE: corrected_db has the spin channels in reverse order # compared to raw_rb/raw_db, the I00 channel corresponds to the R++ # channel in the matrix formulation. THIS IS THE REVERSE OF WHAT # I'D EXPECT, BUT SYNCS WITH THE WILDES PAPER. idx = ["uu", "ud", "du", "dd"].index(sc) reducer = self.reducers[sc] # TODO think about the reshape for N_SPECTRA reducer.direct_beam.m_spec_polcorr = corrected_db[ :, :, idx, 0 ].reshape(m_spec.shape) reducer.reflected_beam.m_spec_polcorr = corrected_rb[ :, :, idx, 0 ].reshape(m_spec.shape) # If spin-flip channel, replace direct beam with corrected # non-spin-flip counterpart if sc == "du": reducer.direct_beam.m_spec_polcorr = corrected_db[ :, :, -1, 0 ].reshape(m_spec.shape) elif sc == "ud": reducer.direct_beam.m_spec_polcorr = corrected_db[ :, :, 0, 0 ].reshape(m_spec.shape)
[docs]class SpatzReduce(ReflectReduce): """ Reduces Spatz reflectometer data to give the specular reflectivity. Offspecular data maps are also produced. Parameters ---------- direct : string, hdf5 file-handle or SpatzNexus object A string containing the path to the direct beam hdf5 file, the hdf5 file itself, or a SpatzNexus object. data_folder : str, optional Where is the raw data stored? Examples -------- >>> from refnx.reduce import SpatzReduce >>> reducer = SpatzReduce('SPZ0000711.nx.hdf') >>> datasets, reduced = reducer.reduce('SPZ0000711.nx.hdf', ... rebin_percent=2) """ def __init__(self, direct, data_folder=None, **kwds): super().__init__(direct, "SPZ", data_folder=data_folder) def _reduce_single_angle(self, scale=1): """ Reduce a single angle. """ n_spectra = self.reflected_beam.n_spectra n_tpixels = np.size(self.reflected_beam.m_topandtail, 1) n_xpixels = np.size(self.reflected_beam.m_topandtail, 2) m_twotheta = np.zeros((n_spectra, n_tpixels, n_xpixels)) detrot_difference = ( self.reflected_beam.detector_z - self.direct_beam.detector_z ) # difference in pixels between reflected position and direct beam # at the two different detrots. QZ_PIXEL_SPACING =[0] dy = self.reflected_beam.detector_y # convert that pixel difference to angle (in small angle approximation) # higher `som` leads to lower m_beampos. i.e. higher two theta # is at lower pixel values beampos_2theta_diff = -( self.reflected_beam.m_beampos - self.direct_beam.m_beampos ) beampos_2theta_diff *= QZ_PIXEL_SPACING / dy[0] beampos_2theta_diff = np.degrees(beampos_2theta_diff) total_2theta_deflection = detrot_difference + beampos_2theta_diff # omega_nom.shape = (N, ) omega_nom = total_2theta_deflection / 2.0 omega_corrected = omega_nom[:, np.newaxis] m_twotheta += np.arange(n_xpixels * 1.0)[np.newaxis, np.newaxis, :] m_twotheta -= self.direct_beam.m_beampos[:, np.newaxis, np.newaxis] # minus sign in following line because higher two theta is at lower # pixel values m_twotheta *= -QZ_PIXEL_SPACING / dy[:, np.newaxis, np.newaxis] m_twotheta = np.degrees(m_twotheta) m_twotheta += detrot_difference # you may be reflecting upside down, reverse the sign. upside_down = np.sign(omega_corrected[:, 0]) m_twotheta *= upside_down[:, np.newaxis, np.newaxis] omega_corrected *= upside_down[:, np.newaxis] self.omega_corrected = omega_corrected self.m_twotheta = m_twotheta self.n_spectra = n_spectra
[docs]def reduce_stitch( reflect_list, direct_list, data_folder=None, prefix="PLP", trim_trailing=True, save=True, scale=1.0, reduction_options=None, ): """ Reduces a list of reflected beam run numbers and a list of corresponding direct beam run numbers from the Platypus/Spatz reflectometers. If there are multiple reflectivity files they are spliced together. Parameters ---------- reflect_list : list Reflected beam run numbers, e.g. `[708, 709, 710]` 708 corresponds to the file PLP0000708.nx.hdf. direct_list : list Direct beam run numbers, e.g. `[711, 711, 711]` data_folder : {str, Path}, optional Where is the raw data stored? prefix : str, optional The instrument filename prefix. trim_trailing : bool, optional When datasets are spliced together do you want to remove points in the overlap region from the preceding dataset? save : bool, optional If `True` then the spliced file is written to a file (in the working directory) with a name like: `c_PLP0000708.dat`. scale : float, optional Scales the data by this value. reduction_options : None, dict, or list of dict, optional Options passed directly to `refnx.reduce.PlatypusNexus.process`, for processing of individual spectra. Look at that method docstring for specification of options. If an individual dict then the same options are used to process all datasets. A list (or sequence) of dict can be used to specify different options for each datasets. If None, then a default set of reduction options will be used. Returns ------- combined_dataset, reduced_filename : refnx.dataset.ReflectDataset, str The combined dataset and the file name of the reduced data, if it was saved. If it wasn't saved `reduced_filename` is `None`. Notes ----- The `prefix` is used to specify the run numbers to a filename. For example a run number of 10, and a prefix of `PLP` resolves to a NeXus filename of 'PLP0000010.nx.hdf'. Examples -------- >>> from refnx.reduce import reduce_stitch >>> dataset, fname = reduce_stitch([708, 709, 710], ... [711, 711, 711], ... reduction_options={"rebin_percent": 2}) """ options = [ReductionOptions()] * len(reflect_list) try: if reduction_options is not None: options = [] for i in range(len(reflect_list)): if isinstance(reduction_options[i], dict): options.append(reduction_options[i]) else: options.append(ReductionOptions()) except KeyError: # reduction_options may be an individual dict if isinstance(reduction_options, dict): options = [reduction_options] * len(reflect_list) # now reduce all the files. zipped = zip(reflect_list, direct_list, options) combined_dataset = ReflectDataset() if data_folder is None: data_folder = Path.cwd() else: data_folder = Path(data_folder) if prefix == "PLP": reducer_klass = PlatypusReduce elif prefix == "SPZ": reducer_klass = SpatzReduce else: raise ValueError("Incorrect prefix specified") for index, val in enumerate(zipped): reflect_datafile = data_folder / number_datafile(val[0], prefix=prefix) direct_datafile = data_folder / number_datafile(val[1], prefix=prefix) reducer = reducer_klass(direct_datafile) datasets, fnames = reducer.reduce( reflect_datafile, save=save, **val[2] ) if not index: datasets[0].scale(scale) combined_dataset.add_data( datasets[0].data, requires_splice=True, trim_trailing=trim_trailing ) fname_dat = None if save: # this will give us <fname>.nx.hdf # if reflect_list was an integer you'll get PLP0000708.nx.hdf fname = number_datafile(reflect_list[0], prefix=prefix) # now chop off .nx.hdf extension fname = basename_datafile(fname) fname_dat = f"c_{fname}.dat" with open(fname_dat, "wb") as f: # fname_xml = "c_{0}.xml".format(fname) # with open(fname_xml, "wb") as f: # combined_dataset.save_xml(f) return combined_dataset, fname_dat
[docs]class AutoReducer: """ Auto-reduces reflectometry data. Watches a datafolder for new/modified NeXUS files and reduces them. Parameters ---------- direct_beams: list of {str, h5data} list of str, or list of h5py file handles pointing to direct beam runs scale: float or array-like Scale factors corresponding to each direct beam. reduction_options: dict, or list of dict Specifies the reduction options for each of the direct beams. A default set of options is provided by `refnx.reduce.ReductionOptions`. data_folder: {str, Path} Path to the data folder containing the data to be reduced. Notes ----- Requires that the 'watchdog' package be installed. Starts two threads that are responsible for doing the reduction. """ def __init__( self, direct_beams, scale=1, reduction_options=None, data_folder="." ): from watchdog.observers import Observer from refnx.reduce._auto_reduction import NXEH self.data_folder = data_folder # deal with reduction options first options = [ReductionOptions()] * len(direct_beams) try: if reduction_options is not None: options = [] for i in range(len(direct_beams)): if isinstance(reduction_options[i], dict): options.append(reduction_options[i]) else: options.append(ReductionOptions()) except KeyError: # reduction_options may be an individual dict if isinstance(reduction_options, dict): options = [reduction_options] * len(direct_beams) # deal with scale factors scale_factors = np.broadcast_to(scale, len(direct_beams)) scale_factors = scale_factors.astype(np.float) zipped = zip(direct_beams, options, scale_factors) # work out what type of instrument you have d0 = direct_beams[0] self.redn_klass = PlatypusReduce self.reflect_klass = PlatypusNexus if (isinstance(d0, str) and d0.startswith("SPZ")) or ( isinstance(d0, h5py.File) and d0.filename.startswith("SPZ") ): self.redn_klass = SpatzReduce self.reflect_klass = SpatzNexus self.direct_beams = {} for direct_beam, ro, scale_factor in zipped: rn = self.reflect_klass(direct_beam) db = self.redn_klass(rn) fname = Path( self.direct_beams[fname] = { "reflectnexus": rn, "reducer": db, "collimation": np.r_[,], "reduction_options": ro, "scale": scale_factor, } self.redn_cache = {} self._redn_cache_tbl = pd.DataFrame( columns=["fname", "sample_name", "omega"] ) # start watching the data_folder self.queue = Queue() event_handler = NXEH(self.queue) observer = Observer() observer.schedule(event_handler, path=self.data_folder) observer.start() self.worker = Thread(target=self) self.worker.setDaemon(True) self.worker.start() def __call__(self): while True: if not self.queue.empty(): # file might still be being written by SICS? allow a bit of # time for it to complete. time.sleep(1.5) event = self.queue.get() # print(event.src_path) rb = self.reflect_klass(event.src_path) fname = Path( db = self.match_direct_beam(rb) if db is not None: # the reduction entry = self.direct_beams[db] reducer = entry["reducer"] opts = entry["reduction_options"] scale = entry["scale"] try: datasets, _ = reducer.reduce(rb, scale=scale, **opts) except Exception as e: # don't want to stop reducing if there is an error # somewhere print(e) continue print(f"Reduced: {fname}") for i, dataset in enumerate(datasets): dataset.filename = f"{fname.rstrip('.nx.hdf')}_{i}.dat" # save the reduced files in a cache sample_name = sample_name = sample_name.decode("utf-8")[:-1] omega = float([0]) self.redn_cache[fname] = { "datasets": datasets, "sample_name": sample_name, "omega": omega, } data = { "fname": [fname], "sample_name": [sample_name], "omega": omega, } if not self._redn_cache_tbl.fname.str.match(fname).any(): # see if the entry is already in the _redn_cache_tbl # if it is, then you don't want to add it again entry = pd.DataFrame(data=data) self._redn_cache_tbl = self._redn_cache_tbl.append( entry ) # now splice matching datasets ds = self.match_datasets(self.redn_cache[fname]) if len(ds) > 1: try: c = self.splice_datasets(ds) except Exception as e: print(e) continue print( f"Combined into: {c}, {[d.filename for d in ds]}" ) else: time.sleep(5.0)
[docs] def match_direct_beam(self, rb): """ Finds the direct beam associated with a reflection measurement. Matching is done by finding identical collimation conditions. Parameters ---------- rb: {PlatypusNexus, SpatzNexus} The reflectometry run. Returns ------- db: str The direct beam file name that matches the reflection measurement This is used to look up an entry in `AutoReducer.direct_beams`. """ # the reflected-direct beam match is done via slit sizes # (not infallible) collimation = np.r_[,] for k, v in self.direct_beams.items(): if np.allclose(collimation, v["collimation"], atol=0.01): return k return None
[docs] def match_datasets(self, dct): """ Finds all the datasets in `AutoReducer.redn_cache` that share an *identical* `dct["sample_name"]`, but may have been measured at different angles. Parameters ---------- dct: dict dct.keys() = ["fname", "sample_name", "omega"] Returns ------- datasets: list of `refnx.dataset.Data1D` Datasets that share the same sample_name as `dct['sample_name']` """ tbl = self._redn_cache_tbl # exact match fnames = tbl.fname[ tbl.sample_name.str.match(f"^{dct['sample_name']}$") ] datasets = [self.redn_cache[fname]["datasets"][0] for fname in fnames] return datasets
[docs] def splice_datasets(self, ds): """ Combines datasets together. Parameters ---------- ds: list of `refnx.dataset.Data1D` The datasets to splice together. Returns ------- fname: str The name of the combined dataset Notes ----- The combined dataset is saved as `f"c_{d.filename}.dat"`, where d is the dataset with the lowest average Q value from ds. """ appended_ds = ReflectDataset() datasets = [] average_q = [] for d in ds: dataset = ReflectDataset(d) average_q.append(np.mean(dataset.x)) datasets.append(dataset) idxs = np.argsort(average_q) # sort datasets according to average Q. datasets = [d for _, d in sorted(zip(idxs, datasets))] for dataset in datasets: appended_ds += dataset fname = datasets[0].filename.rstrip(".dat") fname = fname.split("_")[0] fname = f"c_{fname}.dat" return fname
if __name__ == "__main__": print(strftime("%a, %d %b %Y %H:%M:%S +0000", gmtime())) a = reduce_stitch([708, 709, 710], [711, 711, 711], rebin_percent=2)"test1.dat") print(strftime("%a, %d %b %Y %H:%M:%S +0000", gmtime()))