Source code for refnx.analysis.model

from refnx._lib.util import getargspec

[docs]def fitfunc(f): """ A decorator that can be used to say if something is a fitfunc. """ f.fitfuncwraps = True return f
[docs]class Model: """ Calculates a generative model (dependent variable), given parameters and independent variables. Parameters ---------- parameters : array or refnx.analysis.Parameters Parameters to calculate the model with fitfunc : callable, optional A function that calculates the generative model. Should have the signature ``fitfunc(x, parameters, *fcn_args, **fcn__kwds)`` where `x` is an array-like specifying the independent variables, and `parameters` are the parameters required to calculate the model. `fcn_args` and `fcn_kwds` can be used to supply additional arguments to to `fitfunc`. fcn_args : sequence, optional Supplies extra arguments to `fitfunc` fcn_kwds : dict, optional Supplies keyword arguments to `fitfunc` Notes ----- It is not necessary to supply `fitfunc` to create a `Model` *iff* you are inheriting `Model` and are also overriding `Model.model`. """ def __init__(self, parameters, fitfunc=None, fcn_args=(), fcn_kwds=None): self._parameters = parameters self._fitfunc = None self._fitfunc_has_xerr = False self.fitfunc = fitfunc self.fcn_args = fcn_args self.fcn_kwds = {} if fcn_kwds is not None: self.fcn_kwds = fcn_kwds def __repr__(self): return ( f"Model({self._parameters!r}, fitfunc={self._fitfunc!r}," f" fcn_args={self.fcn_args!r}," f" fcn_kwds={self.fcn_kwds!r})" ) def __call__(self, x, p=None, x_err=None): """ Calculates a generative model(dependent variable), given parameters and independent variables. Parameters ---------- x : array-like Independent variable. p : array-like or refnx.analysis.Parameters Parameters to supply to the generative function. x_err : optional Uncertainty in `x`. Returns ------- generative : array-like or float Notes ----- The interpretation of `x`, `p`, and `x_err` is up to the `fitfunc` supplied during construction of this object (or the overridden `model` method of this object). """ return self.model(x, p=p, x_err=x_err)
[docs] def model(self, x, p=None, x_err=None): """ Calculates a generative model(dependent variable), given parameters and independent variables. Parameters ---------- x : array-like Independent variable. p : array-like or refnx.analysis.Parameters Parameters to supply to the generative function. x_err : optional Uncertainty in `x`. Returns ------- generative : array-like or float Notes ----- The interpretation of `x`, `p`, and `x_err` is up to the `fitfunc` supplied during construction of this object (or the overridden `model` method of this object). """ # self.fitfunc or this method has to understand the structure of # self.params. if self.fitfunc is not None: kwds = {} kwds.update(self.fcn_kwds) if self._fitfunc_has_xerr: # fitfunc has resolution kwds["x_err"] = x_err _params = self._parameters if p is not None: _params = p return self.fitfunc(x, _params, *self.fcn_args, **kwds) else: raise RuntimeError( "Overide Model.model() or provide a fitfunc to" " the constructor" )
[docs] def logp(self): r""" The model can add additional terms to it's log-probability. However, it should _not_ include logp from any of the parameters. That is calculated by `Objective.logp`. """ return 0
@property def fitfunc(self): """ The fit-function associated with the model """ return self._fitfunc @fitfunc.setter def fitfunc(self, fitfunc): self._fitfunc = fitfunc self._fitfunc_has_xerr = False if fitfunc is not None and "x_err" in getargspec(fitfunc).args: self._fitfunc_has_xerr = True @property def parameters(self): r""" The refnx.analysis.Parameters set associated with the model. """ # override this if model adds more parameters than just # self._parameters return self._parameters