
class refnx.reflect.Component(name='')[source]

Bases: object

A base class for describing the structure of a subset of an interface.


name (str, optional) – The name associated with the Component


By setting the Component.interfaces property one can control the type of interfacial roughness between all the layers of an interfacial profile.


MUL’ing components makes them repeat.


n (int) – How many times you want to repeat the Component


s – The created Structure

Return type:



OR’ing components can create a Structure.


other (refnx.reflect.Structure, refnx.reflect.Component) – Combines with this component to make a Structure


s – The created Structure

Return type:



>>> air = SLD(0, name='air')
>>> sio2 = SLD(3.47, name='SiO2')
>>> si = SLD(2.07, name='Si')
>>> structure = air | sio2(20, 3) | si(0, 3)

Return str(self).

property interfaces

The interfacial roughness type between each layer in Component.slabs. Should be one of {None, Interface, or sequence of Interface}.

property is_magnetic

The log-probability that this Component adds to the total log-prior term. Do not include log-probability terms for the actual parameters, these are automatically included elsewhere.


logp – Log-probability

Return type:


property parameters

refnx.analysis.Parameters associated with this component


The slab representation of this component


structure (refnx.reflect.Structure) – The Structure hosting the Component.


  • slabs (np.ndarray) – Slab representation of this Component. Has shape (N, 5).

    • slab[N, 0]

      thickness of layer N

    • slab[N, 1]

      SLD.real of layer N (not including solvent)

    • slab[N, 2]

      SLD.imag of layer N (not including solvent)

    • slab[N, 3]

      roughness between layer N and N-1

    • slab[N, 4]

      volume fraction of solvent in layer N.

  • If a Component returns None, then it doesn’t have any slabs.

class refnx.reflect.Erf[source]

Bases: Interface

An Error function interfacial profile


Svechnikov, M.; Pariev, D.; Nechay, A.; Salashchenko, N.; Chkhalo, N.; Vainer, Y. & Gaman, D., “Extended model for the reconstruction of periodic multilayers from extreme ultraviolet and X-ray reflectivity data”, Journal of Applied Crystallography, 2017, 50, 1428-1440

__call__(z, scale=1, loc=0)[source]

Call self as a function.

class refnx.reflect.Exponential[source]

Bases: Interface

An Exponential interfacial profile


Stearns, D. G. J. Appl. Phys., 1989, 65, 491–506.

__annotations__ = {}
__call__(z, scale=1, loc=0)[source]

Call self as a function.

class refnx.reflect.FresnelTransform(sld_fronting, sld_backing, dq=0)[source]

Bases: Transform

Fresnel transform for data.

Divides experimental signal by reflectivity from an infinitely sharp interface.

  • sld_fronting (float) – SLD of fronting medium

  • sld_backing (float) – SLD of backing medium

  • dq (float, array-like optional) –

    • dq == 0

      no resolution smearing is employed.

    • dq is a float

      a constant dQ/Q resolution smearing is employed. For 5% resolution smearing supply 5.

    • dq is array-like

      the array contains the FWHM of a Gaussian approximated resolution kernel. Point by point resolution smearing is employed. Use this option if dQ/Q varies across your dataset.


Using a null reflectivity system (sld_fronting == sld_backing) will lead to ZeroDivisionError. If point-by-point resolution smearing is employed then a unique transform must be created for each Objective. This is because the number of points in dq must be the same as x.size when FresnelTransform.transform is called.

__annotations__ = {}
__call__(x, y, y_err=None, x_err=0)[source]

Calculate the transformed data

  • x (array-like) – x-values

  • y (array-like) – y-values

  • y_err (array-like) – Uncertainties in y (standard deviation)

  • x_err (array-like) – Uncertainties in x (FWHM)


yt, et – The transformed data

Return type:


class refnx.reflect.FunctionalForm(extent, profile, name=None, microslab_max_thickness=1, **kwds)[source]

Bases: Component

Component used to describe an analytic SLD profile.

  • extent (Parameter or float) – The total extent of the functional region

  • profile (callable) – callable returning the SLD of the functional form. Has the signature profile(z, extent, left_sld, right_sld, **kwds) where z is an array specifying the distances at which the functional form should be calculated, extent is a float specifying the total extent of the Component, left_sld and right_sld are the complex SLDs of the Components preceding and following this Component. kwds are extra parameters used to calculate the shape of the functional form. The function should return a tuple, (slds, vfsolv) where slds is an array (possibly of type np.complex128) of shape (len(z),). Similarly, vfsolv is an array of shape (len(z)) specifying the volume fraction of solvent at each distance in z. If vfsolv is not necessary then return (slds, None).

  • name (str) – Name of component

  • microslab_max_thickness (float, optional) – Thickness of microslicing of spline for reflectivity calculation

  • kwds (dict) – Named keywords that supply extra Parameters to the profile callable. These parameters are passed numerically, not as Parameter objects.


A linear ramp. Note that the dummy_param is not actually used anywhere.

>>> def line(z, extent, left_sld, right_sld, dummy_param=None):
...     grad = (right_sld - left_sld) / extent
...     intercept = left_sld
...     # we don't calculate the volume fraction of solvent
...     return z*grad*dummy_param + intercept, None
>>> si = SLD(2.07)
>>> d2o = SLD(6.36)
>>> p = Parameter(1)
>>> form = FunctionalForm(100, line, dummy_param=p)
>>> s = si | form | d2o(0, 3)

A quadratic example that goes through the two end points

>>> def quadratic(z, extent, left_sld, right_sld, x=None, y=None):
...     res = np.polyfit(
...         [0., x, extent],
...         [np.real(left_sld), y, np.real(right_sld)],
...         deg=2
...     )
...     return np.polyval(res, z), None
>>> si = SLD(2.07)
>>> d2o = SLD(6.36)
>>> x = Parameter(4.)
>>> y = Parameter(5.)
>>> quad = FunctionalForm(100., quadratic, x=x, y=y)
>>> s = si | quad | d2o(0, 3)
__annotations__ = {}
property parameters

refnx.analysis.Parameters associated with this component


The slab representation of this component


structure (refnx.reflect.Structure) – The Structure hosting the Component.


  • slabs (np.ndarray) – Slab representation of this Component. Has shape (N, 5).

    • slab[N, 0]

      thickness of layer N

    • slab[N, 1]

      SLD.real of layer N (not including solvent)

    • slab[N, 2]

      SLD.imag of layer N (not including solvent)

    • slab[N, 3]

      roughness between layer N and N-1

    • slab[N, 4]

      volume fraction of solvent in layer N.

  • If a Component returns None, then it doesn’t have any slabs.

class refnx.reflect.Interface[source]

Bases: object

Defines an Interfacial profile

__annotations__ = {}
__call__(z, scale=1, loc=0)[source]

Call self as a function.

class refnx.reflect.Linear[source]

Bases: Interface

A Linear function interfacial profile


Stearns, D. G. J. Appl. Phys., 1989, 65, 491–506.

__annotations__ = {}
__call__(z, scale=1, loc=0)[source]

Call self as a function.

class refnx.reflect.LipidLeaflet(apm, b_heads, vm_heads, thickness_heads, b_tails, vm_tails, thickness_tails, rough_head_tail, rough_preceding_mono, head_solvent=None, tail_solvent=None, reverse_monolayer=False, name='')[source]

Bases: Component

Describes a lipid leaflet Component at an interface

  • APM (float or refnx.analysis.Parameter)

  • b_heads (float, refnx.analysis.Parameter, complex or SLD) – Sum of coherent scattering lengths of head group (Angstrom). When an SLD is provided it is simply an easy way to provide a complex value. LipidLeaflet.b_heads_real is set to SLD.real, etc.

  • vm_heads (float or refnx.analysis.Parameter) – Molecular volume of head group (Angstrom**2)

  • thickness_heads (float or refnx.analysis.Parameter) – Thickness of head group region (Angstrom)

  • b_tails (float, refnx.analysis.Parameter, complex or SLD) – Sum of coherent scattering lengths of tail group (Angstrom). When an SLD is provided it is simply an easy way to provide a complex value. LipidLeaflet.b_tails_real is set to SLD.real, etc.

  • vm_tails (float or refnx.analysis.Parameter) – Molecular volume of tail group (Angstrom**2)

  • thickness_tails (float or refnx.analysis.Parameter) – Thickness of head group region (Angstrom)

  • rough_head_tail (float or refnx.analysis.Parameter) – Roughness of head-tail group (Angstrom)

  • rough_preceding_mono (float or refnx.analysis.Parameter) – Roughness between preceding component (in the fronting direction) and the monolayer (Angstrom). If reverse_monolayer is False then this is the roughness between the preceding component and the heads, if reverse_monolayer is True then this is the roughness between the preceding component and the tails.

  • head_solvent (None, float, complex, refnx.reflect.SLD) – Solvent for the head region. If None, then solvation will be performed by the parent Structure, using the Structure.solvent attribute. Other options are coerced to an SLD object using SLD(float | complex). A float/complex argument is the SLD of the solvent (10**-6 Angstrom**-2).

  • tail_solvent (None, float, complex, refnx.reflect.SLD) – Solvent for the tail region. If None, then solvation will be performed by the parent Structure, using the Structure.solvent attribute. Other options are coerced to an SLD object using SLD(float | complex). A float/complex argument is the SLD of the solvent (10**-6 Angstrom**-2).

  • reverse_monolayer (bool, optional) – The default is to have heads closer to the fronting medium and tails closer to the backing medium. If reverse_monolayer is True then the tails will be closer to the fronting medium and heads closer to the backing medium.

  • name (str, optional) – The name for the component


The sum of coherent scattering lengths must be in Angstroms, the volume must be in cubic Angstroms. This is because the SLD of a tail group is calculated as b_tails / vm_tails * 1e6 to achieve the units 10**6 Angstrom**-2.

__annotations__ = {}

The log-probability that this Component adds to the total log-prior term. Do not include log-probability terms for the actual parameters, these are automatically included elsewhere.


logp – Log-probability

Return type:



Creates a NonlinearConstraint for a LipidLeaflet, ensuring that volume fraction of lipid in the head+tail regions lies in [0, 1]. Suitable for use by differential_evolution.


objective (refnx.analysis.Objective) – Objective containing the LipidLeaflet. Must be the Objective that is being minimised by differential_evolution.



Return type:



You must create separate constraints for each LipidLeaflet object in your system. The Objective you supply must be for the overall curve fitting system. i.e. possibly a GlobalObjective.


>>> # leaflet is a LipidLeaflet, used in an Objective, obj
>>> con = leaflet.make_constraint(obj)
>>> fitter = CurveFitter(obj)
>>>"differential_evolution", constraints=(con,))
property parameters

refnx.analysis.Parameters associated with this component


Slab representation of monolayer, as an array


structure (refnx.reflect.Structure) – The Structure hosting this Component

property volfrac_h
property volfrac_t
class refnx.reflect.LipidLeafletGuest(apm, b_heads, vm_heads, thickness_heads, b_tails, vm_tails, thickness_tails, rough_head_tail, rough_preceding_mono, phi_guest, sld_guest, head_solvent=None, tail_solvent=None, reverse_monolayer=False, name='')[source]

Bases: LipidLeaflet

Describes a lipid leaflet Component at an interface

  • APM (float or refnx.analysis.Parameter)

  • b_heads (float, refnx.analysis.Parameter, complex or SLD) – Sum of coherent scattering lengths of head group (Angstrom). When an SLD is provided it is simply an easy way to provide a complex value. LipidLeaflet.b_heads_real is set to SLD.real, etc.

  • vm_heads (float or refnx.analysis.Parameter) – Molecular volume of head group (Angstrom**2)

  • thickness_heads (float or refnx.analysis.Parameter) – Thickness of head group region (Angstrom)

  • b_tails (float, refnx.analysis.Parameter, complex or SLD) – Sum of coherent scattering lengths of tail group (Angstrom). When an SLD is provided it is simply an easy way to provide a complex value. LipidLeaflet.b_tails_real is set to SLD.real, etc.

  • vm_tails (float or refnx.analysis.Parameter) – Molecular volume of tail group (Angstrom**2)

  • thickness_tails (float or refnx.analysis.Parameter) – Thickness of head group region (Angstrom)

  • rough_head_tail (float or refnx.analysis.Parameter) – Roughness of head-tail group (Angstrom)

  • rough_preceding_mono (float or refnx.analysis.Parameter) – Roughness between preceding component (in the fronting direction) and the monolayer (Angstrom). If reverse_monolayer is False then this is the roughness between the preceding component and the heads, if reverse_monolayer is True then this is the roughness between the preceding component and the tails.

  • phi_guest (float or refnx.analysis.Parameter) –

    Guest assumed to lie fully in the tail layer. This is a fractional value representing how much of the space not taken up by the lipid is occupied by the guest molecule. The absolute volume fraction is available from the LipidLeafletGuest.volfrac_guest property.


    This parameter may not be determinable with low uncertainty if the lipid tails occupy nearly all of the tail region, there will be little remaining space for the guest to occupy. For best results the guest and tail region should have very different SLDs.

  • sld_guest (None, float, complex, refnx.reflect.SLD) – Guest is fully in the tail layer.

  • head_solvent (None, float, complex, refnx.reflect.SLD) – Solvent for the head region. If None, then solvation will be performed by the parent Structure, using the Structure.solvent attribute. Other options are coerced to an SLD object using SLD(float | complex). A float/complex argument is the SLD of the solvent (10**-6 Angstrom**-2).

  • tail_solvent (None, float, complex, refnx.reflect.SLD) – Solvent for the tail region. If None, then solvation will be performed by the parent Structure, using the Structure.solvent attribute. Other options are coerced to an SLD object using SLD(float | complex). A float/complex argument is the SLD of the solvent (10**-6 Angstrom**-2).

  • reverse_monolayer (bool, optional) – The default is to have heads closer to the fronting medium and tails closer to the backing medium. If reverse_monolayer is True then the tails will be closer to the fronting medium and heads closer to the backing medium.

  • name (str, optional) – The name for the component


The sum of coherent scattering lengths must be in Angstroms, the volume must be in cubic Angstroms. This is because the SLD of a tail group is calculated as b_tails / vm_tails * 1e6 to achieve the units 10**6 Angstrom**-2.

__annotations__ = {}

The log-probability that this Component adds to the total log-prior term. Do not include log-probability terms for the actual parameters, these are automatically included elsewhere.


logp – Log-probability

Return type:


property parameters

refnx.analysis.Parameters associated with this component


Slab representation of monolayer, as an array


structure (refnx.reflect.Structure) – The Structure hosting this Component

property volfrac_guest
class refnx.reflect.MagneticSlab(thick, sld, rough, rhoM, thetaM=90.0, name='', interface=None)[source]

Bases: Component

A slab component has uniform SLD over its thickness.

  • thick (refnx.analysis.Parameter or float) – thickness of slab (Angstrom)

  • sld (refnx.reflect.Scatterer, complex, or float) – (complex) nuclear SLD of film (/1e-6 Angstrom**-2)

  • rough (refnx.analysis.Parameter or float) – roughness on top of this slab (Angstrom)

  • rhoM (refnx.analysis.Parameter or float) – magnetic SLD of film (/1e-6 Angstrom**-2)

  • thetaM (refnx.analysis.Parameter or float) – Magnetic angle of the layer (degrees). See for geometry details. For a magnetic moment to be parallel or anti-parallel to an applied field in the plane of the sample (Aguide=270 or 90), thetaM should be 90 or -90 deg respectively. If thetaM = 0 then the moment in the film is perpendicular to the applied field and spin flip will be maximised.

  • name (str) – Name of this slab

  • interface ({Interface, None}, optional) – The type of interfacial roughness associated with the Slab. If None, then the default interfacial roughness is an Error function (also known as Gaussian roughness).


For the applied field to be in the plane of the sample (perpendicular to the beam propagation direction) Aguide should be 270 or 90 degrees. For the magnetic moment to be parallel or anti-parallel to the applied field thetaM should be 90 or -90 respectively.

__annotations__ = {}

Return str(self).

property is_magnetic
property parameters

refnx.analysis.Parameters associated with this component


Slab representation of this component. See Component.slabs

class refnx.reflect.MaterialSLD(formula, density, probe='neutron', wavelength=1.8, name='')[source]

Bases: Scatterer

Object representing SLD of a chemical formula. You can fit the mass density of the material.

  • formula (str) – Chemical formula

  • density (float or Parameter) – mass density of compound in g / cm**3

  • probe ({'x-ray', 'neutron'}, optional) – Are you using neutrons or X-rays?

  • wavelength (float, optional) – wavelength of radiation (Angstrom)

  • name (str, optional) – Name of material


You need to have the periodictable package installed to use this object. An SLD object can be used to create a Slab:

>>> # a MaterialSLD object representing Silicon Dioxide
>>> sio2 = MaterialSLD('SiO2', 2.2, name='SiO2')
>>> # create a silica slab of SiO2 20 A in thickness, with a 3 A roughness
>>> sio2_layer = sio2(20, 3)
>>> # allow the mass density of the silica to vary between 2.1 and 2.3
>>> # g/cm**3
>>> sio2.density.setp(vary=True, bounds=(2.1, 2.3))

Wavelength dispersive evaluation of a Scatterer SLD/RI


wavelength (float)



Return type:


property formula
property parameters
class refnx.reflect.MixedReflectModel(structures, scales=None, bkg=1e-07, name='', dq=5.0, threads=-1, quad_order=17, dq_type='pointwise', q_offset=0.0)[source]

Bases: object

Calculates an incoherent average of reflectivities from a sequence of structures. Such a situation may occur if a sample is not uniform over its illuminated area.

  • structures (sequence of refnx.reflect.Structure) – The interfacial structures to incoherently average

  • scales (None, sequence of float or refnx.analysis.Parameter, optional) – scale factors. The reflectivities calculated from each of the structures are multiplied by their respective scale factor during overall summation. These values are turned into Parameters during the construction of this object. You must supply a scale factor for each of the structures. If scales is None, then default scale factors are used: [1 / len(structures)] * len(structures). It is a good idea to set the lower bound of each scale factor to zero (not done by default).

  • bkg (float or refnx.analysis.Parameter, optional) – linear background added to the overall reflectivity. This is turned into a Parameter during the construction of this object.

  • name (str, optional) – Name of the mixed Model

  • dq (float or refnx.analysis.Parameter, optional) –

    • dq == 0 then no resolution smearing is employed.

    • dq is a float or refnx.analysis.Parameter

      a constant dQ/Q resolution smearing is employed. For 5% resolution smearing supply 5.

    However, if x_err is supplied to the model method, then that overrides any setting given here. This value is turned into a Parameter during the construction of this object.

  • threads (int, optional) – Specifies the number of threads for parallel calculation. This option is only applicable if you are using the _creflect module. The option is ignored if using the pure python calculator, _reflect. If threads == -1 then all available processors are used.

  • quad_order (int, optional) – the order of the Gaussian quadrature polynomial for doing the resolution smearing. default = 17. Don’t choose less than 13. If quad_order == ‘ultimate’ then adaptive quadrature is used. Adaptive quadrature will always work, but takes a _long_ time (2 or 3 orders of magnitude longer). Fixed quadrature will always take a lot less time. BUT it won’t necessarily work across all samples. For example, 13 points may be fine for a thin layer, but will be atrocious at describing a multilayer with bragg peaks.

  • dq_type ({'pointwise', 'constant'}, optional) – Chooses whether pointwise or constant dQ/Q resolution smearing (see dq keyword) is used. To use pointwise smearing the x_err keyword provided to Objective.model method must be an array, otherwise the smearing falls back to ‘constant’.

  • q_offset (float or refnx.analysis.Parameter, optional) – Compensates for uncertainties in the angle at which the measurement is performed. A positive/negative q_offset corresponds to a situation where the measured q values (incident angle) may have been under/over estimated, and has the effect of shifting the calculated model to lower/higher effective q values.

__call__(x, p=None, x_err=None)[source]

Calculate the generative model

  • x (float or np.ndarray) – q values for the calculation.

  • p (refnx.analysis.Parameters, optional) – parameters required to calculate the model

  • x_err (np.ndarray) – dq resolution smearing values for the dataset being considered.


reflectivity – Calculated reflectivity

Return type:


property bkg

refnx.analysis.Parameter - linear background added to all model values.

property dq


  • dq.value == 0

    no resolution smearing is employed.

  • dq.value > 0

    a constant dQ/Q resolution smearing is employed. For 5% resolution smearing supply 5. However, if x_err is supplied to the model method, then that overrides any setting reported here.


Additional log-probability terms for the reflectivity model. Do not include log-probability terms for model parameters, these are automatically calculated elsewhere.


logp – log-probability of structure.

Return type:


model(x, p=None, x_err=None)[source]

Calculate the reflectivity of this model

  • x (float or np.ndarray) – q values for the calculation.

  • p (refnx.analysis.Parameter, optional) – parameters required to calculate the model

  • x_err (np.ndarray) – dq resolution smearing values for the dataset being considered.



Return type:


property parameters

refnx.analysis.Parameters - parameters associated with this model.

property q_offset

refnx.analysis.Parameter - compensates for any angular misalignment during an experiment.

property scales

refnx.analysis.Parameter - the reflectivity from each of the structures are multiplied by these values to account for patchiness.

property structures

list of refnx.reflect.Structure that describe the patchiness of the surface.

class refnx.reflect.MixedSlab(thick, sld_list, vf_list, rough, name='', vfsolv=0, interface=None)[source]

Bases: Component

A slab component made of several components

  • thick (refnx.analysis.Parameter or float) – thickness of slab (Angstrom)

  • sld_list (sequence of {refnx.reflect.Scatterer, complex, float}) – Sequence of (complex) SLDs that are contained in film (/1e-6 Angstrom**-2)

  • vf_list (sequence of refnx.analysis.Parameter or float) – relative volume fractions of each of the materials contained in the film.

  • rough (refnx.analysis.Parameter or float) – roughness on top of this slab (Angstrom)

  • name (str) – Name of this slab

  • vfsolv (refnx.analysis.Parameter or float) – Volume fraction of solvent [0, 1]

  • interface ({Interface, None}, optional) – The type of interfacial roughness associated with the Slab. If None, then the default interfacial roughness is an Error function (also known as Gaussian roughness).


The SLD of this Slab is calculated using the normalised volume fractions of each of the constituent Scatterers:

>>> np.sum([complex(sld) * vf / np.sum(vf_list) for sld, vf in
...         zip(sld_list, vf_list)]).

The overall SLD then takes into account the volume fraction of solvent, vfsolv.

__annotations__ = {}

Return str(self).

property parameters

refnx.analysis.Parameters associated with this component


Slab representation of this component. See Component.slabs

class refnx.reflect.Motofit[source]

Bases: object

An interactive slab modeller (Jupyter/ipywidgets based) for Neutron and X-ray reflectometry data.

The interactive modeller is designed to be used in a Jupyter notebook.

>>> # specify that plots are in a separate graph window
>>> %matplotlib qt
>>> # alternately if you want the graph to be embedded in the notebook use
>>> # %matplotlib notebook
>>> from refnx.reflect import Motofit
>>> # create an instance of the modeller
>>> app = Motofit()
>>> # display it in the notebook by calling the object with a datafile.
>>> app('dataset1.txt')
>>> # lets fit a different dataset
>>> app2 = Motofit()
>>> app2('dataset2.txt')

The Motofit instance has several useful attributes that can be used in other cells. For example, one can access the objective and curvefitter attributes for more advanced fitting functionality than is available in the GUI. A code attribute can be used to retrieve a Python code fragment that can be used as a basis for developing more complicated models, such as interparameter constraints, global fitting, etc.


The dataset associated with the modeller




Calculates a theoretical model, from an interfacial structure (model.Structure).




The Objective that allows one to compare the model against the data.




Graph displaying the data.



__call__(data=None, model=None)[source]

Display the Motofit GUI in a Jupyter notebook cell.

  • data (refnx.dataset.Data1D) – The dataset to associate with the Motofit instance.

  • model (refnx.reflect.ReflectModel or str or file-like) – A model to associate with the data. If model is a str or file-like then the load_model method will be used to try and load the model from file. This assumes that the file is a pickle of a ReflectModel

property code

A Python code fragment capable of fitting the data. Executable Python code fragment for the GUI model.



property curvefitter

Object for fitting the data based on the objective.






Ask the Motofit object to perform a fit (differential evolution).




After performing the fit the Jupyter display is updated.


Load a dataset into the Motofit instance.


data (refnx.dataset.Data1D, or str, or file-like)

load_model(*args, f=None)[source]

Load a serialised model. If f is not specified then an attempt will be made to find a model corresponding to the current dataset name, ‘model_’ + + ‘.pkl’. If there is no current dataset then the most recent model will be loaded. This method is only intended to be used to deserialise models created by this interactive Jupyter widget modeller, and will not successfully load complicated ReflectModel created outside of the interactive modeller.


f (file like or str, optional) – pickle file to load model from.


Redraw the Jupyter GUI associated with the Motofit instance.

save_model(*args, f=None)[source]

Serialise a model to a pickle file. If f is not specified then the file name is constructed from the current dataset name; if there is no current dataset then the filename is constructed from the current time. These constructed filenames will be in the current working directory, for a specific save location f must be provided. This method is only intended to be used to serialise models created by this interactive Jupyter widget modeller.


f (file like or str, optional) – File to save model to.


Change the refnx.reflect.ReflectModel associated with the Motofit instance.


model (refnx.reflect.ReflectModel)


Updates the plots when the parameters change



class refnx.reflect.PolarisedReflectModel(structure, scale=1, bkg=1e-07, name='', dq=5.0, threads=-1, quad_order=17, dq_type='pointwise', q_offset=0, spin=None, Aguide=270)[source]

Bases: ReflectModel

Extension of ReflectModel for polarised neutron reflectometry. See refnx.reflect.ReflectModel for documentation of arguments.

  • spin (refnx.reflect.SpinChannel) – Specifies the spin state the model is associated with.

  • Aguide (float) – Angle of applied field. This value should be 270 or 90 degrees for the applied field to lie in the plane of the sample, perpendicular to the beam propagation direction. For a magnetic moment to be parallel or anti-parallel to the applied field thetaM should be 90 or -90 deg respectively.

model(x, p=None, x_err=None)[source]

Calculate the reflectivity of this model

  • x (float or np.ndarray) – q values for the calculation. Units = Angstrom**-1

  • p (refnx.analysis.Parameters, optional) – parameters required to calculate the model

  • x_err ({np.ndarray, float} optional) – Specifies how the instrumental resolution smearing is carried out for each of the points in x. See refnx.reflect.reflectivity for further details.


reflectivity – Calculated reflectivity

Return type:



If x_err is not provided then the calculation will fall back to the constant dq/q smearing specified by the dq attribute of this object.

class refnx.reflect.ReflectModel(structure, scale=1, bkg=1e-07, name='', dq=5.0, threads=-1, quad_order=17, dq_type='pointwise', q_offset=0)[source]

Bases: object

  • structure (refnx.reflect.Structure) – The interfacial structure.

  • scale (float or refnx.analysis.Parameter, optional) – scale factor. All model values are multiplied by this value before the background is added. This is turned into a Parameter during the construction of this object.

  • bkg (float or refnx.analysis.Parameter, optional) – Q-independent constant background added to all model values. This is turned into a Parameter during the construction of this object.

  • name (str, optional) – Name of the Model

  • dq (float or refnx.analysis.Parameter, optional) –

    • dq == 0 then no resolution smearing is employed.

    • dq is a float or refnx.analysis.Parameter

      a constant dQ/Q resolution smearing is employed. For 5% resolution smearing supply 5.

    This value is turned into a Parameter during the construction of this object. Constant dq/q resolution smearing is deactivated if dq_type is set to ‘pointwise’ AND point-by-point resolution information is supplied to either the refnx.reflect.ReflectModel.__call__ or refnx.reflect.ReflectModel.model methods.

  • threads (int, optional) – Specifies the number of threads for parallel calculation. This option is only applicable if you are using the _creflect module. The option is ignored if using the pure python calculator, _reflect. If threads == -1 then all available processors are used.

  • quad_order (int, optional) – the order of the Gaussian quadrature polynomial for doing pointwise resolution smearing. default = 17. Don’t choose less than 13. If quad_order == ‘ultimate’ then adaptive quadrature is used. Adaptive quadrature will always work, but takes a _long_ time (2 or 3 orders of magnitude longer). Fixed quadrature will always take a lot less time, BUT it won’t necessarily work across all samples. For example, 13 points may be fine for a thin layer, but will be atrocious at describing a multilayer with bragg peaks. If dq_type=’constant’ then this value is ignored.

  • dq_type ({'pointwise', 'constant'}, optional) – Chooses whether pointwise or constant dQ/Q resolution smearing (see dq keyword) is used. To use pointwise smearing the x_err keyword provided to refnx.reflect.ReflectModel.model must be an array, otherwise the smearing falls back to ‘constant’.

  • q_offset (float or refnx.analysis.Parameter, optional) – Compensates for uncertainties in the angle at which the measurement is performed. A positive/negative q_offset corresponds to a situation where the measured q values (incident angle) may have been under/over estimated, and has the effect of shifting the calculated model to lower/higher effective q values.

  • spin (refnx.reflect.SpinChannel) – The polarisation channel that is being calculated.

__annotations__ = {}
__call__(x, p=None, x_err=None)[source]

Calculate the generative model

  • x (float or np.ndarray) – q values for the calculation. Units = Angstrom**-1

  • p (refnx.analysis.Parameters, optional) – parameters required to calculate the model

  • x_err ({np.ndarray, float} optional) – Specifies how the instrumental resolution smearing is carried out for each of the points in x. See refnx.reflect.reflectivity for further details.


reflectivity – Calculated reflectivity

Return type:



If x_err is not provided then the calculation will fall back to the constant dq/q smearing specified by the dq attribute of this object.

property bkg

refnx.analysis.Parameter - linear background added to all model values.

property dq


  • dq.value == 0

    no resolution smearing is employed.

  • dq.value > 0

    a constant dQ/Q resolution smearing is employed. For 5% resolution smearing supply 5. However, if x_err is supplied to the model method, then that overrides any setting reported here.


Additional log-probability terms for the reflectivity model. Do not include log-probability terms for model parameters, these are automatically included elsewhere.


logp – log-probability of structure.

Return type:


model(x, p=None, x_err=None)[source]

Calculate the reflectivity of this model

  • x (float or np.ndarray) – q values for the calculation. Units = Angstrom**-1

  • p (refnx.analysis.Parameters, optional) – parameters required to calculate the model

  • x_err ({np.ndarray, float} optional) – Specifies how the instrumental resolution smearing is carried out for each of the points in x. See refnx.reflect.reflectivity for further details.


reflectivity – Calculated reflectivity

Return type:



If x_err is not provided then the calculation will fall back to the constant dq/q smearing specified by the dq attribute of this object.

property parameters

refnx.analysis.Parameters - parameters associated with this model.

property q_offset

refnx.analysis.Parameter - compensates for any angular misalignment during an experiment.

property scale

refnx.analysis.Parameter - all model values are multiplied by this value before the background is added.

property structure

refnx.reflect.Structure - object describing the interface of a reflectometry sample.

class refnx.reflect.ReflectModelTL(structure, scale=1, bkg=1e-07, name='', dq=5.0, threads=-1, quad_order=17, dq_type='pointwise', t_offset=0)[source]

Bases: ReflectModel

Calculates reflectivity using angle-of-incidence/wavelength.

In most circumstances the use of ReflectModel is preferred, which works with momentum transfer. However, for some wavelength dispersive experiments the scattering length density profile (SLD) can be wavelength dependent. This is more common for X-ray reflectometry than with neutrons. This class deals with wavelength dependent SLD profiles. It will be slower than using ReflectModel. There is no point in using this class if there are no wavelength dependent Scatterers contained within the system.

  • structure (refnx.reflect.Structure) – The interfacial structure. Should contain at least one wavelength dependent Scatterer, otherwise use of ReflectModel is preferred.

  • scale (float or refnx.analysis.Parameter, optional) – scale factor. All model values are multiplied by this value before the background is added. This is turned into a Parameter during the construction of this object.

  • bkg (float or refnx.analysis.Parameter, optional) – Q-independent constant background added to all model values. This is turned into a Parameter during the construction of this object.

  • name (str, optional) – Name of the Model

  • dq (float or refnx.analysis.Parameter, optional) –

    • dq == 0 then no resolution smearing is employed.

    • dq is a float or refnx.analysis.Parameter

      a constant dQ/Q resolution smearing is employed. For 5% resolution smearing supply 5.

    This value is turned into a Parameter during the construction of this object.

  • threads (int, optional) – Specifies the number of threads for parallel calculation. This option is only applicable if you are using the _creflect module. The option is ignored if using the pure python calculator, _reflect. If threads == -1 then all available processors are used.

  • quad_order (int, optional) – the order of the Gaussian quadrature polynomial for doing the resolution smearing. default = 17. Don’t choose less than 13. If quad_order == ‘ultimate’ then adaptive quadrature is used. Adaptive quadrature will always work, but takes a _long_ time (2 or 3 orders of magnitude longer). Fixed quadrature will always take a lot less time. BUT it won’t necessarily work across all samples. For example, 13 points may be fine for a thin layer, but will be atrocious at describing a multilayer with bragg peaks.

  • dq_type ({'pointwise', 'constant'}, optional) – Chooses whether pointwise or constant dQ/Q resolution smearing (see dq keyword) is used. To use pointwise smearing the x_err keyword provided to Objective.model method must be an array, otherwise the smearing falls back to ‘constant’.

  • t_offset (float or refnx.analysis.Parameter, optional) – Compensates for uncertainties in the angle at which the measurement is performed. A positive/negative t_offset corresponds to a situation where the measured t values (incident angle) may have been under/over estimated, and has the effect of shifting the calculated model to lower/higher effective q values.


>>> from refnx.reflect import MaterialSLD, SLD, ReflectModelTL
>>> air = SLD(0)
>>> si = SLD(2.07)
>>> gd2o3 = MaterialSLD("Gd2O3", 7.41)  # wavelength dependent Scatterer
>>> s = air | gd2o3(50, 3) | si
>>> model = ReflectModelTL(s)
>>> t = [0.65] * 60    # angle of incidence
>>> l = np.geomspace(2, 20, 60)  # wavelength
>>> model(np.c_[t, l])   # calculate reflectivity
__annotations__ = {}
model(x, p=None, x_err=None)[source]

Calculate the reflectivity of this model

  • x ((float, float) or np.ndarray) – angle of incidence/wavelength values for the calculation. If an array x should have shape (N, 2), where the first column of the N datapoints corresponds to angle of incidence (degrees) and the second column corresponds to their wavelength (angstrom**-1).

  • p (refnx.analysis.Parameters, optional) – parameters required to calculate the model

  • x_err (np.ndarray) – dq resolution smearing values for the dataset being considered.


reflectivity – Calculated reflectivity

Return type:


property q_offset

refnx.analysis.Parameter - compensates for any angular misalignment during an experiment.

property structure

refnx.reflect.Structure - object describing the interface of a reflectometry sample.

property t_offset

refnx.analysis.Parameter - compensates for any angular misalignment during an experiment.

class refnx.reflect.SLD(value, name='')[source]

Bases: Scatterer

Object representing freely varying SLD of a material



An SLD object can be used to create a Slab:

>>> # an SLD object representing Silicon Dioxide
>>> sio2 = SLD(3.47, name='SiO2')
>>> # create a Slab of SiO2 20 A in thickness, with a 3 A roughness
>>> sio2_layer = sio2(20, 3)

The SLD object can also be made from a complex number, or from Parameters

>>> sio2 = SLD(3.47+0.01j)
>>> re = Parameter(3.47)
>>> im = Parameter(0.01)
>>> sio2 = SLD(re)
>>> sio2 = SLD([re, im])
__annotations__ = {}
property parameters

refnx.analysis.Parameters associated with this component

class refnx.reflect.Sinusoidal[source]

Bases: Interface

A sinusoidal (sin) interfacial profile


Stearns, D. G. J. Appl. Phys., 1989, 65, 491–506.

__annotations__ = {}
__call__(z, scale=1, loc=0)[source]

Call self as a function.

class refnx.reflect.Slab(thick, sld, rough, name='', vfsolv=0, interface=None)[source]

Bases: Component

A slab component has uniform SLD over its thickness.

  • thick (refnx.analysis.Parameter or float) – thickness of slab (Angstrom)

  • sld (refnx.reflect.Scatterer, complex, or float) – (complex) SLD of film (/1e-6 Angstrom**-2)

  • rough (refnx.analysis.Parameter or float) – roughness on top of this slab (Angstrom)

  • name (str) – Name of this slab

  • vfsolv (refnx.analysis.Parameter or float) – Volume fraction of solvent [0, 1]

  • interface ({Interface, None}, optional) – The type of interfacial roughness associated with the Slab. If None, then the default interfacial roughness is an Error function (also known as Gaussian roughness).

__annotations__ = {}

Return str(self).

property parameters

refnx.analysis.Parameters associated with this component


Slab representation of this component. See Component.slabs

class refnx.reflect.SpinChannel(value)[source]

Bases: Enum

Describes the incident and scattered spin state of a polarised neutron beam.

DOWN_DOWN = (0, 0)
DOWN_UP = (0, 1)
UP_DOWN = (1, 0)
UP_UP = (1, 1)
class refnx.reflect.Spline(extent, vs, dz, name='', interpolator=<class 'scipy.interpolate._cubic.PchipInterpolator'>, zgrad=True, microslab_max_thickness=1)[source]

Bases: Component

Freeform modelling of the real part of an SLD profile using spline interpolation.

  • extent (float or Parameter) – Total extent of spline region

  • vs (Sequence of float/Parameter) – the real part of the SLD values of each of the knots.

  • dz (Sequence of float/Parameter) – the lateral offset between successive knots.

  • name (str) – Name of component

  • interpolator (scipy.interpolate Univariate Interpolator, optional) – Which scipy.interpolate Univariate Interpolator to use.

  • zgrad (bool, optional) – If true then extra control knots are placed outside this spline with the same SLD as the materials on the left and right. With a monotonic interpolator this guarantees that the gradient is zero at either end of the interval.

  • microslab_max_thickness (float) – Maximum size of the microslabs approximating the spline.


This spline component only generates the real part of the SLD (thereby assuming that the imaginary part is negligible). The sequence dz are the lateral offsets of the knots normalised to a unit interval [0, 1]. The reason for using lateral offsets is so that the knots are monotonically increasing in location. When each dz offset is turned into a Parameter it is given bounds in [0, 1]. Thus with an extent of 500, and dz = [0.1, 0.2, 0.2], the knots will be at [0, 50, 150, 250, 500]. Notice that there are two extra knots for the start and end of the interval (disregarding the zgrad control knots). If np.sum(dz) > 1, then the knot spacings are normalised to 1. e.g. dz of [0.1, 0.2, 0.9] would result in knots (in the normalised interval) of [0, 0.0833, 0.25, 1, 1]. If vs is monotonic then the output spline will be monotonic. If vs is not monotonic then there may be regions of the spline larger or smaller than left or right. The slab representation of this component are approximated using a ‘microslab’ representation of spline. The max thickness of each microslab is microslab_max_thickness.

A Spline component should not be used more than once in a given Structure.

__annotations__ = {}
__call__(z, structure)[source]

Calculates the spline value at z


sld – Real part of SLD

Return type:



The log-probability that this Component adds to the total log-prior term. Do not include log-probability terms for the actual parameters, these are automatically included elsewhere.


logp – Log-probability

Return type:


property parameters

refnx.analysis.Parameters associated with this component


Slab representation of the spline, as an array


structure (refnx.reflect.Structure) – The Structure hosting this Component

class refnx.reflect.Stack(components=(), name='', repeats=1)[source]

Bases: Component, UserList

A series of Components to be considered as one. When part of a Structure the Stack can represent a multilayer by setting the repeats attribute.

  • components (sequence) – A series of Components to initialise the stack with

  • name (str) – Name of the Stack

  • repeats (number, Parameter) – When viewed from a parent Structure the Components in this Stack will appear to be repeated repeats times. Internally repeats is rounded to the nearest integer before use, allowing it to be used as a fitting parameter.


To add Components to the Stack you can:

  • initialise the object with a list of Components

  • utilise list methods (extend, append, insert, etc)

  • Add by __ior__ (e.g. stack |= component)

You can’t use __or__ to add Components to a stack (e.g. Stack() | component) ORing a Stack with other Components will make a Structure.

__annotations__ = {}

Build a Stack by IOR’ing.


other (Component, Scatterer) – The object to add to the structure.

__setitem__(i, v)[source]

Return str(self).


Append a Component to the Stack.


item (refnx.reflect.Component) – The component to be added.

property components

The list of components in the sample.

property interfaces

The interfacial roughness type between each layer in Component.slabs. Should be one of {None, Interface, or sequence of Interface}.

property is_magnetic
property parameters

refnx.analysis.Parameters, all the parameters associated with this structure.


Slab representation of this component. See Component.slabs


The overall set of slabs returned by this method consists of the concatenated constituent Component slabs repeated Stack.repeats times.

class refnx.reflect.Step[source]

Bases: Interface

A step function interfacial profile


Svechnikov, M.; Pariev, D.; Nechay, A.; Salashchenko, N.; Chkhalo, N.; Vainer, Y. & Gaman, D., “Extended model for the reconstruction of periodic multilayers from extreme ultraviolet and X-ray reflectivity data”, Journal of Applied Crystallography, 2017, 50, 1428-1440

__annotations__ = {}
__call__(z, scale=1, loc=0)[source]

Call self as a function.

class refnx.reflect.Structure(components=(), name='', solvent=None, reverse_structure=False, contract=0, wavelength=None)[source]

Bases: UserList

Represents the interfacial Structure of a reflectometry sample. Successive Components are added to the Structure to construct the interface.

  • components (sequence) – A sequence of Components to initialise the Structure.

  • name (str) – Name of this structure

  • solvent (refnx.reflect.Scatterer) – Specifies the scattering length density used for solvation. If no solvent is specified then the SLD of the solvent is assumed to be the SLD of Structure[-1].slabs()[-1] (after any possible slab order reversal).

  • reverse_structure (bool) – If Structure.reverse_structure is True then the slab representation produced by Structure.slabs is reversed. The sld profile and calculated reflectivity will correspond to this reversed structure.

  • contract (float) – If contract > 0 then an attempt to contract/shrink the slab representation is made. Use larger values for coarser profiles (and vice versa). A typical starting value to try might be 1.0.

  • wavelength (float, None) – Wavelength the sample was measured at.


If Structure.reverse_structure is True then the slab representation order is reversed. If no solvent is specified then the volume fraction of solvent in each of the Components is assumed to have the scattering length density of Structure[-1].slabs()[-1] after any possible slab order reversal. This slab corresponds to the scattering length density of the semi-infinite backing medium. Normally the reflectivity will be calculated using the Nevot-Croce approximation for Gaussian roughness between different layers. However, if individual components have non-Gaussian roughness (e.g. Tanh), then the overall reflectivity and SLD profile are calculated by micro-slicing. Micro-slicing involves calculating the specific SLD profile, dividing it up into small-slabs, and calculating the reflectivity from those. This normally takes much longer than the Nevot-Croce approximation. To speed the calculation up the Structure.contract property can be used. Contracting too far may mask the subtle differences between different roughness types. The profile contraction specified by this property can greatly improve calculation time for Structures created with micro-slicing. If you use this option it is recommended to check the reflectivity signal with and without contraction to ensure they are comparable.


>>> from refnx.reflect import SLD, Linear, Tanh, Interface
>>> # make the materials
>>> air = SLD(0, 0)
>>> # overall SLD of polymer is (1.0 + 0.001j) x 10**-6 A**-2
>>> polymer = SLD(1.0 + 0.0001j)
>>> si = SLD(2.07)
>>> # Make the structure, s, from slabs.
>>> # The polymer slab has a thickness of 200 A and a air/polymer roughness
>>> # of 4 A.
>>> s = air(0, 0) | polymer(200, 4) | si(0, 3)

Use Linear roughness between air and polymer (rather than default Gaussian roughness). Use Tanh roughness between si and polymer. If non-default roughness is used then the reflectivity is calculated via micro-slicing - set the contract property to speed the calculation up.

>>> s[1].interfaces = Linear()
>>> s[2].interfaces = Tanh()
>>> s.contract = 0.5

Create a user defined interfacial roughness based on the cumulative distribution function (CDF) of a Cauchy.

>>> from scipy.stats import cauchy
>>> class Cauchy(Interface):
...     def __call__(self, x, loc=0, scale=1):
...         return cauchy.cdf(x, loc=loc, scale=scale)
>>> c = Cauchy()
>>> s[1].interfaces = c
__annotations__ = {}

Build a structure by IOR’ing Structures/Components/SLDs.


other (Structure, Component, SLD) – The object to add to the structure.


>>> air = SLD(0, name='air')
>>> sio2 = SLD(3.47, name='SiO2')
>>> si = SLD(2.07, name='Si')
>>> structure = air | sio2(20, 3)
>>> structure |= si(0, 4)

Build a structure by OR’ing Structures/Components/SLDs.


other (Structure, Component, SLD) – The object to add to the structure.


>>> air = SLD(0, name='air')
>>> sio2 = SLD(3.47, name='SiO2')
>>> si = SLD(2.07, name='Si')
>>> structure = Structure()
>>> structure = air | sio2(20, 3) | si(0, 3)
__setitem__(i, v)[source]

Return str(self).


Append a Component to the Structure.


item (refnx.reflect.Component) – The component to be added.

property components

The list of components in the sample.


float if contract > 0 then an attempt to contract/shrink the slab representation is made. Use larger values for coarser profiles (and vice versa). A typical starting value to try might be 1.0.

classmethod from_orso(sample_model)[source]

Creates a Structure from an orso.fileio.model_language.SampleModel


sample_model (orso.fileio.model_language.SampleModel)



Return type:



>>> with open('oml.yml') as f:
...     dct = yaml.safe_load(f)
>>> model = SampleModel(**dct)
classmethod from_slabs(slabs)[source]
property interfaces

A nested list containing the interfacial roughness types for each of the Component`s. `len(Structure.interfaces) == len(Structure.components)

property is_magnetic

Are any of the Components in the Structure magnetic?


log-probability for the interfacial structure. Note that if a given component is present more than once in a Structure then it’s log-prob will be counted twice.


logp – log-prior for the Structure.

Return type:


property name
overall_sld(slabs, solvent)[source]

Performs a volume fraction weighted average of the material SLD in a layer and the solvent in a layer.

  • slabs (np.ndarray) – Slab representation of the layers to be averaged.

  • solvent (complex or reflect.Scatterer) – SLD of solvating material.


averaged_slabs – the averaged slabs.

Return type:


property parameters

refnx.analysis.Parameters, all the parameters associated with this structure.

plot(pvals=None, samples=0, fig=None, align=0)[source]

Plot the structure.

Requires matplotlib be installed.

  • pvals (np.ndarray, optional) – Numeric values for the Parameter’s that are varying

  • samples (number) – If this structures constituent parameters have been sampled, how many samples you wish to plot on the graph.

  • fig (Figure instance, optional) – If fig is not supplied then a new figure is created. Otherwise the graph is created on the current axes on the supplied figure.

  • align (int, optional) – Aligns the plotted structures around a specified interface in the slab representation of a Structure. This interface will appear at z = 0 in the sld plot. Note that Components can consist of more than a single slab, so some thought is required if the interface to be aligned around lies in the middle of a Component. Python indexing is allowed, e.g. supplying -1 will align at the backing medium.


fig, axmatplotlib figure and axes objects.

Return type:

matplotlib.Figure, matplotlib.Axes

reflectivity(q, threads=0, spin=None)[source]

Calculate theoretical reflectivity of this structure

  • q (array-like) – Q values (Angstrom**-1) for evaluation

  • threads (int, optional) – Specifies the number of threads for parallel calculation. This option is only applicable if you are using the _creflect module. The option is ignored if using the pure python calculator, _reflect. If threads == 0 then all available processors are used.

  • spin (refnx.reflect.SpinChannel) – Enum specifying which spin-state to calculate. None is unpolarised.


reflectivity – Reflectivity corresponding to each of the Q-points.

Return type:



Normally the reflectivity will be calculated using the Nevot-Croce approximation for Gaussian roughness between different layers. However, if individual components have non-Gaussian roughness (e.g. Tanh), then the overall reflectivity and SLD profile are calculated by micro-slicing. Micro-slicing involves calculating the specific SLD profile, dividing it up into small-slabs, and calculating the reflectivity from those. This normally takes much longer than the Nevot-Croce approximation. To speed the calculation up the Structure.contract property can be used.

property reverse_structure

bool if True then the slab representation produced by Structure.slabs is reversed. The sld profile and calculated reflectivity will correspond to this reversed structure.


slabs – Slab representation of this structure. Has shape (N, 5).

  • slab[N, 0]

    thickness of layer N

  • slab[N, 1]

    overall SLD.real of layer N (material AND solvent)

  • slab[N, 2]

    overall SLD.imag of layer N (material AND solvent)

  • slab[N, 3]

    roughness between layer N and N-1

  • slab[N, 4]

    volume fraction of solvent in layer N

if the system is magnetic then there are two extra columns

  • slab[N, 5]

    Magnetic SLD correction

  • slab[N, 6]

    Angle that magnetic moment makes w.r.t applied field

Return type:



If Structure.reversed is True then the slab representation order is reversed. The slab order is reversed before the solvation calculation is done. I.e. if Structure.solvent == ‘backing’ and Structure.reversed is True then the material that solvates the system is the component in Structure[0], which corresponds to Structure.slab[-1].

sld_profile(z=None, align=0, max_delta_z=None)[source]

Calculates an SLD profile, as a function of distance through the interface.

  • z (float) – Interfacial distance (Angstrom) measured from interface between the fronting medium and the first layer.

  • align (int, optional) – Places a specified interface in the slab representation of a Structure at z = 0. Python indexing is allowed, e.g. supplying -1 will place the backing medium at z = 0.

  • max_delta_z ({None, float}, optional) – If specified this will control the maximum spacing between SLD points. Only used if z is None.


sld – Scattering length density / 1e-6 Angstrom**-2

Return type:



This can be called in vectorised fashion.

property solvent

Creates an ORSO model language description of a Structure. Only works with Structures solely consisting of Slabs at the moment



Return type:


class refnx.reflect.Tanh[source]

Bases: Interface

A hyperbolic tangent (tanh) interfacial profile


D. Bahr; W. Press; R. Jebasinski; S. Mantl, Phys. Rev. B,1993, 47 (8), 4385

__annotations__ = {}
__call__(z, scale=1, loc=0)[source]

Call self as a function.

refnx.reflect.abeles(x, w, scale=1.0, bkg=0.0, threads=-1)

Abeles matrix formalism for calculating reflectivity from a stratified medium.

  • q (array_like) – the q values required for the calculation. Q = 4 * Pi / lambda * sin(omega). Units = Angstrom**-1

  • layers (np.ndarray) – coefficients required for the calculation, has shape (2 + N, 4), where N is the number of layers layers[0, 1] - SLD of fronting (/1e-6 Angstrom**-2) layers[0, 2] - iSLD of fronting (/1e-6 Angstrom**-2) layers[N, 0] - thickness of layer N layers[N, 1] - SLD of layer N (/1e-6 Angstrom**-2) layers[N, 2] - iSLD of layer N (/1e-6 Angstrom**-2) layers[N, 3] - roughness between layer N-1/N layers[-1, 1] - SLD of backing (/1e-6 Angstrom**-2) layers[-1, 2] - iSLD of backing (/1e-6 Angstrom**-2) layers[-1, 3] - roughness between backing and last layer

  • scale (float) – Multiply all reflectivities by this value.

  • bkg (float) – Linear background to be added to all reflectivities

  • threads (int, optional) – How many threads you would like to use in the reflectivity calculation. If threads == -1 then the calculation is automatically spread over multiprocessing.cpu_count() threads.


Reflectivity – Calculated reflectivity values for each q value.

Return type:



tuple containing the available reflectivity calculator backends


Chooses which resolution smearing approach has the fastest calculation time.


objective (Objective) – The objective being calculated


method – One of {‘pointwise’, ‘constant’}. If ‘pointwise’ then using the resolution information from the datafile is the fastest mode of calculation. If ‘constant’, then a constant dq/q (expressed as a percentage) Q resolution is quicker.

Return type:


refnx.reflect.create_occupancy(structure, solvent_slab=-1)[source]

Creates a volume fraction (occupancy) profile for a given Structure.

  • structure (Structure)

  • solvent_slab ({int, None}) – Defines which slab in structure is specified to contain the solvent. Use -1 if solvation is done by the backing medium If solvation is done by fronting medium use 0. If None, then solvation is done by neither fronting or backing, but by another material. This might be a solvent vapour in an air-solid measurement.


z, vfp – z is the distance through the interface, Angstrom

vfp is the array containing the volume fraction profiles for each of the slabs from the structure.

In the case where solvent_slab is None then vfp.shape == (len(structure.slabs()) + 1, len(z)) and the last row contains the solvent vfp.

In the case where solvent_slab is one of the slab materials (e.g. fronting or backing) then vfp.shape == (len(structure.slabs()), len(z)), with vfp[solvent_slab] containing the vfp for the solvent.

Return type:



If a Component in your Structure has more than one row in its slab representation then you will need to aggregate those slabs manually if you wish them to appear together. e.g. let’s say that the third Component (indexed from zero) has len(Component.slabs) == 20. To obtain the volume fraction for that Component you would need to do:

>>> import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
>>> z, vfps = create_occupancy(s)
>>> # third component is at index 2.
>>> vfps_my_component = np.sum(vfps[2:20+2], axis=0)
>>> plt.plot(z, vfps_my_component)

Possibly create an SLD object from float, complex, SLD


obj (float, complex, Parameter, Parameters, Scatterer) – object to coerce into a Scatterer

refnx.reflect.reflectivity(q, slabs, scale=1.0, bkg=0.0, dq=5.0, quad_order=17, threads=-1, q_offset=0, spin=None, Aguide=270)[source]

Abeles/Parratt formalism for calculating reflectivity from a stratified medium.

  • q (np.ndarray) – The qvalues required for the calculation. \(Q=\frac{4Pi}{\lambda}\sin(\Omega)\). Units = Angstrom**-1

  • slabs (np.ndarray) –

    coefficients required for the calculation, has shape (2 + N, 4), where N is the number of layers. For magnetic systems the number of columns the shape will be (2 + N, 6).

    • slabs[0, 0]


    • slabs[N, 0]

      thickness of layer N

    • slabs[N+1, 0]


    • slabs[0, 1]

      SLD_real of fronting (/1e-6 Angstrom**-2)

    • slabs[N, 1]

      SLD_real of layer N (/1e-6 Angstrom**-2)

    • slabs[-1, 1]

      SLD_real of backing (/1e-6 Angstrom**-2)

    • slabs[0, 2]

      SLD_imag of fronting (/1e-6 Angstrom**-2)

    • slabs[N, 2]

      iSLD_imag of layer N (/1e-6 Angstrom**-2)

    • slabs[-1, 2]

      iSLD_imag of backing (/1e-6 Angstrom**-2)

    • slabs[0, 3]


    • slabs[N, 3]

      roughness between layer N-1/N

    • slabs[-1, 3]

      roughness between backing and layer N

    If the system is magnetic then there are two extra columns:

    Note that this slab representation is slightly different to that returned by refnx.reflect.Structure.slabs().

  • scale (float) – scale factor. All model values are multiplied by this value before the background is added

  • bkg (float) – Q-independent constant background added to all model values.

  • dq (float or np.ndarray, optional) –

    • dq == 0

      no resolution smearing is employed.

    • dq is a float

      a constant dQ/Q resolution smearing is employed. For 5% resolution smearing supply 5.

    • dq is the same shape as q

      the array contains the FWHM of a Gaussian approximated resolution kernel. Point by point resolution smearing is employed. Use this option if dQ/Q varies across your dataset.

    • dq.ndim == q.ndim + 2 and q.shape == dq[…, -3].shape

      an individual resolution kernel is applied to each measurement point. This resolution kernel is a probability distribution function (PDF). dq will have the shape (qvals.shape, 2, M). There are M points in the kernel. dq[:, 0, :] holds the q values for the kernel, dq[:, 1, :] gives the corresponding probability.

  • quad_order (int, optional) – the order of the Gaussian quadrature polynomial for doing the resolution smearing. default = 17. Don’t choose less than 13. If quad_order == ‘ultimate’ then adaptive quadrature is used. Adaptive quadrature will always work, but takes a _long_ time (2 or 3 orders of magnitude longer). Fixed quadrature will always take a lot less time. BUT it won’t necessarily work across all samples. For example, 13 points may be fine for a thin layer, but will be atrocious at describing a multilayer with bragg peaks.

  • threads (int, optional) – Specifies the number of threads for parallel calculation. This option is only applicable if you are using the _creflect module. The option is ignored if using the pure python calculator, _reflect. If threads == -1 then all available processors are used.

  • q_offset (float or refnx.analysis.Parameter, optional) – Compensates for uncertainties in the angle at which the measurement is performed. A positive/negative q_offset corresponds to a situation where the measured q values (incident angle) may have been under/over estimated, and has the effect of shifting the calculated model to lower/higher effective q values.

  • spin (refnx.reflect.SpinChannel) – The polarisation channel that is being calculated.

  • Aguide (float) – Angle of applied field.


>>> from refnx.reflect import reflectivity
>>> q = np.linspace(0.01, 0.5, 1000)
>>> slabs = np.array([[0, 2.07, 0, 0],
...                   [100, 3.47, 0, 3],
...                   [500, -0.5, 0.00001, 3],
...                   [0, 6.36, 0, 3]])
>>> print(reflectivity(q, slabs))
refnx.reflect.sld_profile(slabs, z=None, max_delta_z=None)[source]

Calculates a nuclear SLD profile, as a function of distance through the interface.

  • slabs (np.ndarray) –

    Slab representation of this structure. Has shape (N, 5) or (N, 7) for magnetic systems.

    • slab[N, 0]

      thickness of layer N

    • slab[N, 1]

      overall SLD.real of layer N (material AND solvent)

    • slab[N, 2]

      overall SLD.imag of layer N (material AND solvent)

    • slab[N, 3]

      roughness between layer N and N-1

    • slab[N, 4]

      volume fraction of solvent in layer N, ignored for this function

  • z ({None, np.ndarray}, optional) – If z is None then the SLD profile will have 500 points (unless max_delta_z is specified). If z is an array, then the array specifies the interfacial locations at which the SLD will be evaluated.

  • max_delta_z ({None, float}, optional) – If specified this will control the maximum spacing between SLD points. Only used if z is None.


sld – Scattering length density / 1e-6 Angstrom**-2

Return type:



This can be called in vectorised fashion.


Context manager for temporarily setting the backend used for calculating reflectivity


backend ({'python', 'cython', 'c', 'pyopencl', 'py_parratt', 'c_parratt',) – ‘numba_parratt’, ‘abeles_vectorised’}, str The function that calculates the reflectivity. Speed should go in the order: numba_parratt > c_parratt > c > pyopencl / cython > python. If a particular method is not available the function falls back to another option.


kernel (callable) – A callable that calculates the reflectivity


‘c’ is preferred for most circumstances, because it’s pretty much guaranteed to be present. ‘pyopencl’ uses a GPU to calculate reflectivity and requires that pyopencl be installed. It may not as accurate as the other options. ‘pyopencl’ is only included for completeness. The ‘pyopencl’ backend is also harder to use with multiprocessing-based parallelism. ‘abeles_vectorised’ is vectorised such that many slab sets can be calculated simultaneously. As such, it requires a 3-dimensional array for specification of the slabs. It is not a 1:1 replacement for the other kernels.