Using different MC packages for Bayesian sampling

refnx can work with a variety of MC packages for inference. This notebook will demonstrate the use of various packages:

An excellent reference to see how to use a wide range of packages for statistical inference is

import os.path
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import scipy

import refnx
from refnx.dataset import ReflectDataset, Data1D
from refnx.analysis import (
from refnx.reflect import SLD, Slab, ReflectModel

import pymc as pm
import dynesty
import arviz as az
WARNING (pytensor.tensor.blas): Using NumPy C-API based implementation for BLAS functions.

It’s important to note down the versions of the software that you’re using, in order for the analysis to be reproducible.

    f"refnx: {refnx.version.version}\n"
    f"scipy: {scipy.version.version}\n"
    f"numpy: {np.version.version}"
refnx: 0.1.46.dev0+8a21b67
scipy: 1.13.0
numpy: 1.26.4

The dataset we’re going to use as an example is distributed with every install. The following cell determines its location.

pth = os.path.dirname(refnx.__file__)
DATASET_NAME = "c_PLP0011859_q.txt"
file_path = os.path.join(pth, "analysis", "test", DATASET_NAME)
data = ReflectDataset(file_path)

The Structure

si = SLD(2.07, name="Si")
sio2 = SLD(3.47, name="SiO2")
film = SLD(2.0, name="film")
d2o = SLD(6.36, name="d2o")
# first number is thickness, second number is roughness
# a native oxide layer
sio2_layer = sio2(30, 3)

# the film of interest
film_layer = film(250, 3)

# layer for the solvent
d2o_layer = d2o(0, 3)
sio2_layer.thick.setp(bounds=(15, 50), vary=True)
sio2_layer.rough.setp(bounds=(1, 15), vary=True)

film_layer.thick.setp(bounds=(200, 300), vary=True)
film_layer.sld.real.setp(bounds=(0.1, 3), vary=True)
film_layer.rough.setp(bounds=(1, 15), vary=True)

d2o_layer.rough.setp(vary=True, bounds=(1, 15))
structure = si | sio2_layer | film_layer | d2o_layer
Parameters:     'SiO2'     
<Parameter:'SiO2 - thick' , value=30          , bounds=[15.0, 50.0]>
Parameters:     'SiO2'     
<Parameter: 'SiO2 - sld'  , value=3.47  (fixed) , bounds=[-inf, inf]>
<Parameter: 'SiO2 - isld' , value=0  (fixed) , bounds=[-inf, inf]>
<Parameter:'SiO2 - rough' , value=3          , bounds=[1.0, 15.0]>
<Parameter:'SiO2 - volfrac solvent', value=0  (fixed) , bounds=[0.0, 1.0]>

ReflectModel, Objective, Curvefitter

model = ReflectModel(structure, bkg=3e-6, dq=5.0)
model.scale.setp(bounds=(0.6, 1.2), vary=True)
model.bkg.setp(bounds=(1e-9, 9e-6), vary=True)
objective = Objective(model, data, transform=Transform("logY"))
fitter = CurveFitter(objective)"differential_evolution", target="nlpost");
-565.142272770164: : 44it [00:02, 18.99it/s]  


Now lets do a MCMC sampling of the curvefitting system. First we do sampling to burn-in the system. We’ll also checkout the autocorrelation time of the system. We’ll then discard the burn-in samples because the initial chain might not be representative of an equilibrated system (i.e. distributed around the mean with the correct covariance).

fitter.sample(3000, pool=8);
100%|████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████| 3000/3000 [02:55<00:00, 17.12it/s]
plt.plot(fitter.acf()[:, 4])

We then follow up with a production run, only saving 1 in 200 samples. This is to remove autocorrelation. We save 15 steps, giving a total of 15 * 200 samples (200 walkers is the default).

res = fitter.sample(15, nthin=200, pool=1)
100%|████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████| 3000/3000 [04:07<00:00, 12.12it/s]

This seems to be an effective sampling rate of ~15 * 200 / 210 = 15 samples/sec In the final output of the sampling each varying parameter is given a set of statistics. Parameter.value is the median of the chain samples. Parameter.stderr is half the [15, 85] percentile, representing a standard deviation.

Objective - 12912394064
Dataset = c_PLP0011859_q
datapoints = 408
chi2 = 919.5916726366621
Weighted = True
Transform = Transform('logY')
Parameters:       ''       
Parameters: 'instrument parameters'
<Parameter:    'scale'    , value=0.879427 +/- 0.00297, bounds=[0.6, 1.2]>
<Parameter:     'bkg'     , value=4.59191e-07 +/- 2.25e-08, bounds=[1e-09, 9e-06]>
<Parameter:'dq - resolution', value=5  (fixed) , bounds=[-inf, inf]>
<Parameter:  'q_offset'   , value=0  (fixed) , bounds=[-inf, inf]>
Parameters: 'Structure - ' 
Parameters:      'Si'      
<Parameter: 'Si - thick'  , value=0  (fixed) , bounds=[-inf, inf]>
Parameters:      'Si'      
<Parameter:  'Si - sld'   , value=2.07  (fixed) , bounds=[-inf, inf]>
<Parameter:  'Si - isld'  , value=0  (fixed) , bounds=[-inf, inf]>
<Parameter: 'Si - rough'  , value=0  (fixed) , bounds=[-inf, inf]>
<Parameter:'Si - volfrac solvent', value=0  (fixed) , bounds=[0.0, 1.0]>
Parameters:     'SiO2'     
<Parameter:'SiO2 - thick' , value=38.6351 +/- 0.371, bounds=[15.0, 50.0]>
Parameters:     'SiO2'     
<Parameter: 'SiO2 - sld'  , value=3.47  (fixed) , bounds=[-inf, inf]>
<Parameter: 'SiO2 - isld' , value=0  (fixed) , bounds=[-inf, inf]>
<Parameter:'SiO2 - rough' , value=5.83108 +/- 0.29 , bounds=[1.0, 15.0]>
<Parameter:'SiO2 - volfrac solvent', value=0  (fixed) , bounds=[0.0, 1.0]>
Parameters:     'film'     
<Parameter:'film - thick' , value=259.046 +/- 0.256, bounds=[200.0, 300.0]>
Parameters:     'film'     
<Parameter: 'film - sld'  , value=2.40194 +/- 0.0125, bounds=[0.1, 3.0]>
<Parameter: 'film - isld' , value=0  (fixed) , bounds=[-inf, inf]>
<Parameter:'film - rough' , value=8.81848 +/- 0.352, bounds=[1.0, 15.0]>
<Parameter:'film - volfrac solvent', value=0  (fixed) , bounds=[0.0, 1.0]>
Parameters:      'd2o'     
<Parameter: 'd2o - thick' , value=0  (fixed) , bounds=[-inf, inf]>
Parameters:      'd2o'     
<Parameter:  'd2o - sld'  , value=6.36  (fixed) , bounds=[-inf, inf]>
<Parameter: 'd2o - isld'  , value=0  (fixed) , bounds=[-inf, inf]>
<Parameter: 'd2o - rough' , value=3.79068 +/- 0.115, bounds=[1.0, 15.0]>
<Parameter:'d2o - volfrac solvent', value=0  (fixed) , bounds=[0.0, 1.0]>

A corner plot shows the covariance between parameters. You need to install the matplotlib and corner packages to create these graphs.


Once we’ve done the sampling we can look at the variation in the model at describing the data. In this example there isn’t much spread.


In a similar manner we can look at the spread in SLD profiles consistent with the data.

plt.ylim(2.2, 6);

Sampling with pymc

pymc is also an excellent Bayesian package. refnx has some features built in to work with pymc models. You’ll need to install pymc and arviz to run this section.

from refnx.analysis import pymc_model
import pymc as pm
import arviz as az

To do the sampling we’re going to use the DEMetropolis stepper. refnx can use NUTS, but it seems to work very slowly with reflectometry datasets (via a black-box model). More investigations need to be done on the refnx codebase to try and improve NUTS performance.

with pymc_model(objective) as _model:
    starter = {
        f"p{n}": par.value for n, par in enumerate(objective.varying_parameters())
    trace = pm.sample(draws=10000, chains=10, initvals=starter, step=pm.DEMetropolis())
Population sampling (10 chains)
DEMetropolis: [p0, p1, p2, p3, p4, p5, p6, p7]
Attempting to parallelize chains to all cores. You can turn this off with `pm.sample(cores=1)`.

Population parallelization failed. Falling back to sequential stepping of chains.

Sampling 10 chains for 1_000 tune and 10_000 draw iterations (10_000 + 100_000 draws total) took 106 seconds.
az.plot_autocorr(trace, combined=True, max_lag=1000);

Given that the autocorrelation time is ~100, this corresponds to something like 10 * 10000 / 100 = 1000 independent samples. The time taken on my machine was ~80 sec, corresponding to an effective sampling rate of ~13 samples/sec. Note that the emcee was sampling at an effective rate of ~15 samples/sec. The two rates are effectively the same. There is room to tweak both sampling runs to slightly speed them up.

Note how all the parameters are labelled p0, p1, ..., pn. Each of those parameters correspond to a Parameter in Objective.varying_parameters(). Compared to the inbuilt processing one would have to do some manual processing. Let’s work out some stats for p4, which corresponds to a layer thickness.

<Parameter:'film - thick' , value=259.202 +/- 0.256, bounds=[200.0, 300.0]>
# grab hold of the MCMC chain for that parameter
chain = trace.posterior["p4"].data

# work out some of the quantile statistics.
def process_chain_for_parameter(chain):
    quantiles = np.quantile(chain, [0.158, 0.5, 0.842])
    return quantiles[1], 0.5 * (quantiles[-1] - quantiles[0])

(10, 10000)
(259.04153520751777, 0.22965548622113374)
# Let's create a function to update the best fit.
def update_objective_from_trace(objective, trace):
    vpars = objective.varying_parameters()
    for i, vpar in enumerate(vpars):
        median, sd = process_chain_for_parameter(trace.posterior[f"p{i}"])
        vpar.value = median
        vpar.stderr = sd

update_objective_from_trace(objective, trace)
Objective - 12912394064
Dataset = c_PLP0011859_q
datapoints = 408
chi2 = 919.5912197764426
Weighted = True
Transform = Transform('logY')
Parameters:       ''       
Parameters: 'instrument parameters'
<Parameter:    'scale'    , value=0.879464 +/- 0.00281, bounds=[0.6, 1.2]>
<Parameter:     'bkg'     , value=4.5947e-07 +/- 2.16e-08, bounds=[1e-09, 9e-06]>
<Parameter:'dq - resolution', value=5  (fixed) , bounds=[-inf, inf]>
<Parameter:  'q_offset'   , value=0  (fixed) , bounds=[-inf, inf]>
Parameters: 'Structure - ' 
Parameters:      'Si'      
<Parameter: 'Si - thick'  , value=0  (fixed) , bounds=[-inf, inf]>
Parameters:      'Si'      
<Parameter:  'Si - sld'   , value=2.07  (fixed) , bounds=[-inf, inf]>
<Parameter:  'Si - isld'  , value=0  (fixed) , bounds=[-inf, inf]>
<Parameter: 'Si - rough'  , value=0  (fixed) , bounds=[-inf, inf]>
<Parameter:'Si - volfrac solvent', value=0  (fixed) , bounds=[0.0, 1.0]>
Parameters:     'SiO2'     
<Parameter:'SiO2 - thick' , value=38.6312 +/- 0.353, bounds=[15.0, 50.0]>
Parameters:     'SiO2'     
<Parameter: 'SiO2 - sld'  , value=3.47  (fixed) , bounds=[-inf, inf]>
<Parameter: 'SiO2 - isld' , value=0  (fixed) , bounds=[-inf, inf]>
<Parameter:'SiO2 - rough' , value=5.83464 +/- 0.273, bounds=[1.0, 15.0]>
<Parameter:'SiO2 - volfrac solvent', value=0  (fixed) , bounds=[0.0, 1.0]>
Parameters:     'film'     
<Parameter:'film - thick' , value=259.042 +/- 0.23 , bounds=[200.0, 300.0]>
Parameters:     'film'     
<Parameter: 'film - sld'  , value=2.40174 +/- 0.0119, bounds=[0.1, 3.0]>
<Parameter: 'film - isld' , value=0  (fixed) , bounds=[-inf, inf]>
<Parameter:'film - rough' , value=8.83213 +/- 0.338, bounds=[1.0, 15.0]>
<Parameter:'film - volfrac solvent', value=0  (fixed) , bounds=[0.0, 1.0]>
Parameters:      'd2o'     
<Parameter: 'd2o - thick' , value=0  (fixed) , bounds=[-inf, inf]>
Parameters:      'd2o'     
<Parameter:  'd2o - sld'  , value=6.36  (fixed) , bounds=[-inf, inf]>
<Parameter: 'd2o - isld'  , value=0  (fixed) , bounds=[-inf, inf]>
<Parameter: 'd2o - rough' , value=3.79259 +/- 0.109, bounds=[1.0, 15.0]>
<Parameter:'d2o - volfrac solvent', value=0  (fixed) , bounds=[0.0, 1.0]>

The parameter values from pymc and emcee are effectively the same.

Sampling with dynesty

import dynesty

You can find out how to estimate posteriors with dynesty using this page, It’s best to use the dynamic nested sampler, then you need to reweight the samples with the weights. Dynesty provides a utility function for that. You can also use dynesty to perform model comparison by looking at the evidence term.

nested_sampler = dynesty.DynamicNestedSampler(
    objective.logl, objective.prior_transform, ndim=len(objective.varying_parameters())
# process the samples
chain = nested_sampler.results.samples_equal()

# another way of processing the samples (reweighting is needed)
logZdynesty = nested_sampler.results.logz[-1]  # value of logZ
weights = np.exp(nested_sampler.results.logwt - logZdynesty)
chain = dynesty.utils.resample_equal(nested_sampler.results.samples, weights)

26170it [00:59, 440.14it/s, batch: 4 | bound: 11 | nc: 1 | ncall: 129925 | eff(%): 20.022 | loglstar: 563.557 < 570.721 < 569.132 | logz: 537.081 +/-  0.193 | stop:  0.921]              
(26170, 8)

The size of the chain resulting from the samples_equal method is not equal to the number of effective samples. One can estimate the effective number of posterior samples resulting from a run using the following:

def ess(weights):
    Estimate the effective sample size from the weights.

        weights (array_like): an array of weights values for each nested sample

        int: the effective sample size

    N = len(weights)
    w = weights / weights.sum()
    ess = N / (1.0 + ((N * w - 1) ** 2).sum() / N)

    return int(ess)

print("effective number of samples: ", ess(np.exp(weights)))
effective number of samples:  26169

The effective sampling rate for dynesty seems to be ~28000/50 ~ 570 samples/sec.

Let’s process the chain to put the statistics into the objective. Here we’ll use the process_chain utility function that’s designed for use with emcee chains. This function assumes that the chain has shape (nsteps, nwalkers, nvars). The chain from dynesty has shape (nsamples, nvars), so we can fake the dynesty chain into looking like an emcee chain by putting an extra axis in.

process_chain(objective, chain[:, None, :]);
Objective - 12912394064
Dataset = c_PLP0011859_q
datapoints = 408
chi2 = 919.588838133723
Weighted = True
Transform = Transform('logY')
Parameters:       ''       
Parameters: 'instrument parameters'
<Parameter:    'scale'    , value=0.879388 +/- 0.00298, bounds=[0.6, 1.2]>
<Parameter:     'bkg'     , value=4.5882e-07 +/- 2.2e-08, bounds=[1e-09, 9e-06]>
<Parameter:'dq - resolution', value=5  (fixed) , bounds=[-inf, inf]>
<Parameter:  'q_offset'   , value=0  (fixed) , bounds=[-inf, inf]>
Parameters: 'Structure - ' 
Parameters:      'Si'      
<Parameter: 'Si - thick'  , value=0  (fixed) , bounds=[-inf, inf]>
Parameters:      'Si'      
<Parameter:  'Si - sld'   , value=2.07  (fixed) , bounds=[-inf, inf]>
<Parameter:  'Si - isld'  , value=0  (fixed) , bounds=[-inf, inf]>
<Parameter: 'Si - rough'  , value=0  (fixed) , bounds=[-inf, inf]>
<Parameter:'Si - volfrac solvent', value=0  (fixed) , bounds=[0.0, 1.0]>
Parameters:     'SiO2'     
<Parameter:'SiO2 - thick' , value=38.6378 +/- 0.366, bounds=[15.0, 50.0]>
Parameters:     'SiO2'     
<Parameter: 'SiO2 - sld'  , value=3.47  (fixed) , bounds=[-inf, inf]>
<Parameter: 'SiO2 - isld' , value=0  (fixed) , bounds=[-inf, inf]>
<Parameter:'SiO2 - rough' , value=5.83292 +/- 0.301, bounds=[1.0, 15.0]>
<Parameter:'SiO2 - volfrac solvent', value=0  (fixed) , bounds=[0.0, 1.0]>
Parameters:     'film'     
<Parameter:'film - thick' , value=259.039 +/- 0.245, bounds=[200.0, 300.0]>
Parameters:     'film'     
<Parameter: 'film - sld'  , value=2.40202 +/- 0.0126, bounds=[0.1, 3.0]>
<Parameter: 'film - isld' , value=0  (fixed) , bounds=[-inf, inf]>
<Parameter:'film - rough' , value=8.8282 +/- 0.353, bounds=[1.0, 15.0]>
<Parameter:'film - volfrac solvent', value=0  (fixed) , bounds=[0.0, 1.0]>
Parameters:      'd2o'     
<Parameter: 'd2o - thick' , value=0  (fixed) , bounds=[-inf, inf]>
Parameters:      'd2o'     
<Parameter:  'd2o - sld'  , value=6.36  (fixed) , bounds=[-inf, inf]>
<Parameter: 'd2o - isld'  , value=0  (fixed) , bounds=[-inf, inf]>
<Parameter: 'd2o - rough' , value=3.78755 +/- 0.115, bounds=[1.0, 15.0]>
<Parameter:'d2o - volfrac solvent', value=0  (fixed) , bounds=[0.0, 1.0]>


Hopefully you’ve found it useful to see how the three sampling packages can be used to obtain posterior distributions for the parameter set. All have high performance. The emcee sampler will probably stay the default, but it may be useful to look into both pymc and dynesty to see what useful (unique) features they may offer - especially if dynesty appears to have a much faster sampling rate.