Source code for refnx.analysis.objective

import warnings
import numpy as np
from numpy.linalg import LinAlgError
from scipy.linalg import LinAlgWarning
from scipy.optimize._numdiff import approx_derivative
import scipy.stats as stats

from refnx.util import ErrorProp as EP
from refnx._lib import flatten, approx_hess2
from refnx._lib import unique as f_unique
from refnx.dataset import Data1D
from refnx.analysis import (

[docs]class BaseObjective: """Don't necessarily have to use Parameters, could use np.array""" def __init__( self, p, logl, logp=None, fcn_args=(), fcn_kwds=None, name=None, weighted=True, ): = name self.parameters = p self.nvary = len(p) self._logl = logl self._logp = logp self.fcn_args = fcn_args self.fcn_kwds = {} # give the BaseObjective a default value, so that it can be used in a # GlobalObjective self.weighted = weighted if fcn_kwds is not None: self.fcn_kwds = fcn_kwds
[docs] def setp(self, pvals): """ Set the parameters from pvals Parameters ---------- pvals : np.ndarray Array containing the values to be tested. """ self.parameters[:] = pvals
[docs] def nll(self, pvals=None): """ Negative log-likelihood function Parameters ---------- pvals : np.ndarray Array containing the values to be tested. Returns ------- nll : float negative log-likelihood """ vals = self.parameters if pvals is not None: vals = pvals return -self.logl(vals)
[docs] def logp(self, pvals=None): """ Log-prior probability function Parameters ---------- pvals : np.ndarray Array containing the values to be tested. Returns ------- logp : float log-prior probability """ vals = self.parameters if pvals is not None: vals = pvals if callable(self._logp): return self._logp(vals, *self.fcn_args, **self.fcn_kwds) return 0
[docs] def logl(self, pvals=None): """ Log-likelihood probability function Parameters ---------- pvals : np.ndarray Array containing the values to be tested. Returns ------- logl : float log-likelihood probability. """ vals = self.parameters if pvals is not None: vals = pvals return self._logl(vals, *self.fcn_args, **self.fcn_kwds)
[docs] def logpost(self, pvals=None): """ Log-posterior probability function Parameters ---------- pvals : np.ndarray Array containing the values to be tested. Returns ------- logpost : float log-probability. Notes ----- The log probability is the sum is the sum of the log-prior and log-likelihood probabilities. Does not set the parameter attribute. """ vals = self.parameters if pvals is not None: vals = pvals logpost = self.logp(vals) if not np.isfinite(logpost): return -np.inf logpost += self.logl(vals) return logpost
[docs] def nlpost(self, pvals=None): """ Negative log-posterior function Parameters ---------- pvals : np.ndarray Array containing the values to be tested. Returns ------- nlpost : float negative log-posterior """ return -self.logpost(pvals)
[docs] def varying_parameters(self): """ Returns ------- varying_parameters : np.ndarray The parameters varying in this objective function. """ return self.parameters
[docs] def covar(self, target="nll"): """ Estimates a covariance matrix based on numerical differentiation of either the negative log-likelihood or negative log-posterior probabilities. Parameters ---------- target : str, {"nll", "nlpost"} Returns ------- covar : np.ndarray The covariance matrix for the fitting system Notes ----- Estimation of a covariance matrix can be susceptible to numeric instabilities. Critically evaluate the matrix before further use. """ _pvals = np.array(self.varying_parameters()) if target == "nll": fn = self.nll elif target == "nlpost": fn = self.nlpost try: # from statsmodels # the output from this for the test in test_objective.covar # is very similar to numdifftools.Hessian, or a chained version # of approx_derivative hess = approx_hess2(_pvals, fn) covar = np.linalg.inv(hess) except LinAlgError: sz = np.size(_pvals, 0) covar = np.full((sz, sz), np.inf) finally: self.setp(_pvals) return covar
[docs]class Objective(BaseObjective): """ Objective function for using with curvefitters such as `refnx.analysis.curvefitter.CurveFitter`. Parameters ---------- model : refnx.analysis.Model the generative model function. One can also provide an object that inherits `refnx.analysis.Model`. data : refnx.dataset.Data1D data to be analysed. lnsigma : float or refnx.analysis.Parameter, optional Used if the experimental uncertainty (`data.y_err`) underestimated by a constant fractional amount. The experimental uncertainty is modified as: `s_n**2 = y_err**2 + exp(lnsigma * 2) * model**2` See `Objective.logl` for more details. use_weights : bool use experimental uncertainty in calculation of residuals and logl, if available. If this is set to False, then you should also set `self.lnsigma.vary = False`, it will have no effect on the fit. transform : callable, optional the model, data and data uncertainty are transformed by this function before calculating the likelihood/residuals. Has the signature `transform(data.x, y, y_err=None)`, returning the tuple (`transformed_y, transformed_y_err`). logp_extra : callable, optional user specifiable log-probability term. This contribution is in addition to the log-prior term of the `model` parameters, and `model.logp`, as well as the log-likelihood of the `data`. Has signature: `logp_extra(model, data)`. The `model` will already possess updated parameters. Beware of including the same log-probability terms more than once. auxiliary_params : {sequence, Parameters}, optional Extra Parameter objects that are involved with curvefitting, but aren't directly included as part of the `model`. See notes for more details. name : str Name for the objective. alpha : {float, Parameter, None}, optional Multiplies the overall log-prior term for the parameters. Used to balance log-prior and log-likelihood terms in the log-posterior. Notes ----- For parallelisation `logp_extra` needs to be picklable. `auxiliary_params` are included in calculating the `Objective.logp` term, are present in `Objective.varying_parameters()`, and are modified by Curvefitter during an analysis. Their main purpose is to aid in making constraints in models. """ def __init__( self, model, data, lnsigma=None, use_weights=True, transform=None, logp_extra=None, auxiliary_params=(), name=None, alpha=None, ): self.model = model # should be a Data1D instance if isinstance(data, Data1D): = data else: = Data1D(data=data) self.lnsigma = lnsigma if lnsigma is not None: self.lnsigma = possibly_create_parameter(lnsigma, "lnsigma") if isinstance(auxiliary_params, Parameters): self.auxiliary_params = auxiliary_params else: self.auxiliary_params = Parameters(auxiliary_params) self._use_weights = use_weights self.transform = transform self.logp_extra = logp_extra = name if name is None: = id(self) self.alpha = alpha if alpha is not None: self.alpha = possibly_create_parameter(alpha, name="alpha") def __str__(self): s = [f"{'':_>80}"] s.append(f"Objective - {}") # dataset name if is None: s.append(f"Dataset = {}") else: s.append(f"Dataset = {}") s.append(f"datapoints = {self.npoints}") s.append(f"chi2 = {self.chisqr()}") s.append(f"Weighted = {self.weighted}") s.append(f"Transform = {self.transform}") s.append(str(self.parameters)) return "\n".join(s) def __repr__(self): return ( f"Objective({self.model!r}, {!r}," f" lnsigma={self.lnsigma!r}," f" use_weights={self._use_weights}," f" transform={self.transform!r}," f" logp_extra={self.logp_extra!r}," f" name={!r}," f" alpha={self.alpha!r})" ) @property def weighted(self): """ **bool** Does the data have weights (`data.y_err`), and is the objective using them? """ return and self._use_weights @weighted.setter def weighted(self, use_weights): self._use_weights = bool(use_weights) @property def npoints(self): """ **int** the number of points in the dataset. """ return
[docs] def varying_parameters(self): """ Returns ------- varying_parameters : refnx.analysis.Parameters The varying Parameter objects allowed to vary during the fit. """ # create and return a Parameters object because it has the # __array__ method, which allows one to quickly get numerical values. lst = [] for p in flatten(self.parameters): if p.vary: lst.append(p) continue if len(p._deps): lst.extend([_p for _p in p.dependencies() if _p.vary]) # should already be totally flattened by this point return Parameters(f_unique(lst))
def _data_transform(self, model=None): """ Returns ------- y, y_err, model: tuple of np.ndarray The y data, its uncertainties, and the model, all put through the transform. """ x = y = y_err = 1.0 if self.weighted: y_err = if self.transform is None: return y, y_err, model else: if model is not None: model, _ = self.transform(x, model) y, y_err = self.transform(x, y, y_err) if self.weighted: return y, y_err, model else: return y, 1, model
[docs] def generative(self, pvals=None): """ Calculate the generative (dependent variable) function associated with the model. Parameters ---------- pvals : array-like or refnx.analysis.Parameters values for the varying or entire set of parameters Returns ------- model : np.ndarray """ self.setp(pvals) return self.model(,
[docs] def residuals(self, pvals=None): """ Calculates the residuals for a given fitting system. Parameters ---------- pvals : array-like or refnx.analysis.Parameters values for the varying or entire set of parameters Returns ------- residuals : np.ndarray Residuals, `(data.y - model) / y_err`. """ self.setp(pvals) model = self.model(, # TODO add in varying parameter residuals? (z-scores...) y, y_err, model = self._data_transform(model) if self.lnsigma is not None: s_n = np.sqrt( y_err * y_err + np.exp(2 * float(self.lnsigma)) * model * model ) else: s_n = y_err return (y - model) / s_n
[docs] def chisqr(self, pvals=None): """ Calculates the chi-squared value for a given fitting system. Parameters ---------- pvals : array-like or refnx.analysis.Parameters values for the varying or entire set of parameters Returns ------- chisqr : np.ndarray Chi-squared value, `np.sum(residuals**2)`. """ # TODO reduced chisqr? include z-scores for parameters? DOF? self.setp(pvals) res = self.residuals(None) return np.sum(res * res)
@property def parameters(self): """ :class:`refnx.analysis.Parameters`, all the Parameters contained in the fitting system. """ pars = self.model.parameters if is_parameter(self.alpha): pars = pars | self.alpha if is_parameter(self.lnsigma): pars = pars | self.lnsigma if len(self.auxiliary_params): pars = pars | self.auxiliary_params return pars
[docs] def setp(self, pvals): """ Set the parameters from pvals. Parameters ---------- pvals : array-like or refnx.analysis.Parameters values for the varying or entire set of parameters """ if pvals is None: return # set here rather than delegating to a Parameters # object, because it may not necessarily be a # Parameters object _varying_parameters = self.varying_parameters() if len(pvals) == len(_varying_parameters): for idx, param in enumerate(_varying_parameters): param.value = pvals[idx] return # values supplied are enough to specify all parameter values # even those that are repeated flattened_parameters = list(flatten(self.parameters)) if len(pvals) == len(flattened_parameters): for idx, param in enumerate(flattened_parameters): param.value = pvals[idx] return raise ValueError( f"Incorrect number of values supplied ({len(pvals)})" f", supply either the full number of parameters" f" ({len(flattened_parameters)}, or only the varying" f" parameters ({len(_varying_parameters)})." )
[docs] def prior_transform(self, u): """ Calculate the prior transform of the system. Transforms uniform random variates in the unit hypercube, `u ~ uniform[0.0, 1.0)`, to the parameter space of interest, according to the priors on the varying parameters. Parameters ---------- u : array-like Size of the varying parameters Returns ------- pvals : array-like Scaled parameter values Notes ----- If a parameter has bounds, `x ~ Unif[-10, 10)` then the scaling from `u` to `x` is done as follows: .. code-block:: python x = 2. * u - 1. # scale and shift to [-1., 1.) x *= 10. # scale to [-10., 10.) """ var_pars = self.varying_parameters() pvals = np.empty(len(var_pars), dtype=np.float64) for i, var_par in enumerate(var_pars): pvals[i] = var_par.bounds.invcdf(u[i]) return pvals
[docs] def logp(self, pvals=None): """ Calculate the log-prior of the system Parameters ---------- pvals : array-like or refnx.analysis.Parameters values for the varying or entire set of parameters Returns ------- logp : float log-prior probability Notes ----- The log-prior is calculated as: .. code-block:: python logp = np.sum(param.logp() for param in self.varying_parameters()) """ self.setp(pvals) logp = np.sum( [ param.logp() for param in f_unique( p for p in flatten(self.parameters) if p.vary ) ] ) if not np.isfinite(logp): return -np.inf return logp
[docs] def logl(self, pvals=None): """ Calculate the log-likelhood of the system The major component of the log-likelhood probability is from the data. Extra potential terms are added on from the Model, `self.model.logp`, and the user specifiable `logp_extra` function. Parameters ---------- pvals : array-like or refnx.analysis.Parameters values for the varying or entire set of parameters Returns ------- logl : float log-likelihood probability Notes ----- The log-likelihood is calculated as: .. code-block:: python logl = -0.5 * np.sum(((y - model) / s_n)**2 + np.log(2 * pi * s_n**2)) logp += self.model.logp() logp += self.logp_extra(self.model, where .. code-block:: python s_n**2 = y_err**2 + exp(2 * lnsigma) * model**2 """ self.setp(pvals) model = self.model(, logl = 0.0 y, y_err, model = self._data_transform(model) if self.lnsigma is not None: var_y = ( y_err * y_err + np.exp(2 * float(self.lnsigma)) * model * model ) else: var_y = y_err**2 # TODO do something sensible if data isn't weighted if self.weighted: logl += np.log(2 * np.pi * var_y) logl += (y - model) ** 2 / var_y # nans play havoc if np.isnan(logl).any(): raise RuntimeError("Objective.logl encountered a NaN.") # add on extra 'potential' terms from the model. extra_potential = self.model.logp() if self.logp_extra is not None: extra_potential += self.logp_extra(self.model, return -0.5 * np.sum(logl) + extra_potential
[docs] def nll(self, pvals=None): """ Negative log-likelihood function Parameters ---------- pvals : array-like or refnx.analysis.Parameters values for the varying or entire set of parameters Returns ------- nll : float negative log-likelihood """ self.setp(pvals) return -self.logl()
[docs] def logpost(self, pvals=None): """ Calculate the log-probability of the curvefitting system Parameters ---------- pvals : array-like or refnx.analysis.Parameters values for the varying or entire set of parameters Returns ------- logpost : float log-probability Notes ----- The overall log-probability is the sum of the log-prior and log-likelihood. The log-likelihood is not calculated if the log-prior is impossible (`logp == -np.inf`). """ self.setp(pvals) alpha = 1.0 if is_parameter(self.alpha): alpha = self.alpha.value logpost = alpha * self.logp() # only calculate the probability if the parameters have finite # log-prior if not np.isfinite(logpost): return -np.inf logpost += self.logl() return logpost
[docs] def covar(self, target="residuals"): """ Estimates the covariance matrix of the Objective. Parameters ---------- target : {"residuals", "nll", "nlpost"} Specifies what approach should be used to estimate covariance. Returns ------- covar : np.ndarray Covariance matrix Notes ----- For most purposes the Jacobian of the `'residuals'` should be used to calculate the covariance matrix, estimated as J.T x J. If an Objective cannot calculate residuals then the covariance matrix can be estimated by inverting a Hessian matrix created from either the `'nll'` or `'nlpost'` methods. The default `'residuals'` approach falls back to `'nll'` if a problem is experienced. The default `'residuals'` setting is preferred as the other settings can sometimes experience instabilities during Hessian estimation with numerical differentiation. """ if target == "residuals": try: covar = self._covar_from_residuals() except Exception: # fallback to "nll" target = "nll" if target in ["nll", "nlpost"]: covar = super().covar(target) pvar = np.diagonal(covar).copy() psingular = np.where(pvar == 0)[0] if len(psingular) > 0: var_params = self.varying_parameters() singular_params = [var_params[ps] for ps in psingular] warnings.warn( "The following Parameters have no effect on" " Objective.residuals, please consider fixing" " them.\n" + repr(singular_params), LinAlgWarning, ) return covar
def _covar_from_residuals(self): _pvals = np.array(self.varying_parameters()) used_residuals_scaler = False def fn_scaler(vals): return np.squeeze(self.residuals(_pvals * vals)) try: # we should be able to calculate a Jacobian for a parameter whose # value is zero. However, the scaling approach won't work. # This will force Jacobian calculation by unscaled parameters if np.any(_pvals == 0): raise FloatingPointError() with np.errstate(invalid="raise"): jac = approx_derivative(fn_scaler, np.ones_like(_pvals)) used_residuals_scaler = True except FloatingPointError: jac = approx_derivative(self.residuals, _pvals) finally: # using approx_derivative changes the state of the objective # parameters have to make sure they're set at the end self.setp(_pvals) # need to create this because GlobalObjective may not have # access to all the datapoints being fitted. n_datapoints = np.size(jac, 0) # covar = J.T x J # from # eliminates singular parameters _, s, VT = np.linalg.svd(jac, full_matrices=False) threshold = np.finfo(float).eps * max(jac.shape) * s[0] s = s[s > threshold] VT = VT[: s.size] covar = / s**2, VT) if used_residuals_scaler: # unwind the scaling. covar = covar * np.atleast_2d(_pvals) * np.atleast_2d(_pvals).T scale = 1.0 # scale by reduced chi2 if experimental uncertainties weren't used. if not (self.weighted): scale = self.chisqr() / ( n_datapoints - len(self.varying_parameters()) ) return covar * scale
[docs] def pgen(self, ngen=1000, nburn=0, nthin=1, random_state=None): """ Yield random parameter vectors from the MCMC samples. The objective state is not altered. Parameters ---------- ngen : int, optional the number of samples to yield. The actual number of samples yielded is `min(ngen, chain.size)` nburn : int, optional discard this many steps from the start of the chain nthin : int, optional only accept every `nthin` samples from the chain random_state : {int, np.random.Generator, None} random number generator that picks the samples Yields ------ pvec : np.ndarray A randomly chosen parameter vector """ yield from self.parameters.pgen( ngen=ngen, nburn=nburn, nthin=nthin, random_state=random_state )
def _generate_generative_mcmc( self, ngen=1000, nburn=0, nthin=1, random_state=None ): """ Yield generative curves from the MCMC samples. The objective state is altered during generation, but should be restored when the generator exits. If this generator is not exhausted then the Objective state will not be restored! Parameters ---------- ngen : int, optional the number of samples to yield. The actual number of samples yielded is `min(ngen, chain.size)` nburn : int, optional discard this many steps from the start of the chain nthin : int, optional only accept every `nthin` samples from the chain random_state : {int, np.random.Generator, None} random number generator that picks the samples Yields ------ generative : np.ndarray `Objective.generative` points for each of the samples. """ saved_params = np.array(self.varying_parameters()) _pgen = self.pgen( ngen=ngen, nburn=nburn, nthin=nthin, random_state=random_state ) try: for pars in _pgen: yield self.generative(pars) finally: self.setp(saved_params)
[docs] def plot(self, pvals=None, samples=0, parameter=None, fig=None): """ Plot the data/model. Requires matplotlib be installed. Parameters ---------- pvals : np.ndarray, optional Numeric values for the Parameter's that are varying samples: number If the objective has been sampled, how many samples you wish to plot on the graph. parameter: refnx.analysis.Parameter Creates an interactive plot for the Parameter in Jupyter. Requires ipywidgets be installed. Use with %matplotlib notebook/qt. fig: Figure instance, optional If `fig` is not supplied then a new figure is created. Otherwise the graph is created on the current axes on the supplied figure. Returns ------- fig, ax : :class:`matplotlib.Figure`, :class:`matplotlib.Axes` `matplotlib` figure and axes objects. """ self.setp(pvals) if fig is None: import matplotlib.pyplot as plt fig = plt.figure() ax = fig.add_subplot(111) else: ax = fig.gca() y, y_err, model = self._data_transform(model=self.generative()) # add the data (in a transformed fashion) if self.weighted: ax.errorbar(, y, y_err, color="blue",, marker="o", ms=3, lw=0, elinewidth=2, ) else: ax.scatter(, y, color="blue", s=3, if samples > 0: # Get a number of chains, chosen randomly, set the objective, # and plot the model. for curve in self._generate_generative_mcmc(ngen=samples): y, y_err, model = self._data_transform(model=curve) ax.plot(, model, color="k", alpha=0.01) # add the fit generative_plot = ax.plot(, model, color="red", zorder=20) if parameter is None: return fig, ax # create an interactive plot in a Jupyter notebook. def f(val): if parameter is not None: parameter.value = float(val) y, y_err, model = self._data_transform(model=self.generative()) generative_plot[0].set_data(, model) fig.canvas.draw() import ipywidgets return fig, ax, ipywidgets.interact(f, val=float(parameter))
[docs] def corner(self, **kwds): """ Corner plot of the chains belonging to the Parameters. Requires the `corner` and `matplotlib` packages. Parameters ---------- kwds: dict passed directly to the `corner.corner` function Returns ------- fig : :class:`matplotlib.Figure` object. """ import corner var_pars = self.varying_parameters() chain = np.array([par.chain for par in var_pars]) labels = [ for par in var_pars] chain = chain.reshape(len(chain), -1).T kwds["labels"] = labels kwds["quantiles"] = [0.16, 0.5, 0.84] return corner.corner(chain, **kwds)
[docs]class GlobalObjective(Objective): """ Global Objective function for simultaneous fitting with `refnx.analysis.CurveFitter` Parameters ---------- objectives : list list of :class:`refnx.analysis.Objective` objects lambdas : array-like Lagrangian multipliers for each of the objective terms that contribute to the log-likelihood. Broadcast against the list of objectives. This array-like *may* become a list of Parameters in the future. alpha : {float, Parameter, None}, optional Multiplies the overall log-prior term for the parameters. Used to balance log-prior and log-likelihood terms in the log-posterior. """ def __init__(self, objectives, lambdas=None, alpha=1.0): self.objectives = objectives nobj = len(objectives) if lambdas is not None: self.lambdas = np.broadcast_to(lambdas, (nobj,)).astype(float) else: self.lambdas = np.ones(nobj) weighted = [objective.weighted for objective in objectives] self._weighted = np.array(weighted, dtype=bool) if len(np.unique(self._weighted)) > 1: raise ValueError( "All the objectives must be either weighted or" " unweighted, you cannot have a mixture." ) self.alpha = alpha if alpha is not None: self.alpha = possibly_create_parameter(alpha, name="alpha") def __str__(self): s = [f"{'':_>80}", "\n"] s.append("--Global Objective--") for obj in self.objectives: s.append(str(obj)) s.append("\n") return "\n".join(s) def __repr__(self): return ( f"GlobalObjective({self.objectives!r}," f" lambdas={list(self.lambdas)!r}," f" alpha={self.alpha!r})" ) @property def weighted(self): """ **bool** do all the datasets have y_err, and are all the objectives wanting to use weights? """ return self._weighted.all() @property def npoints(self): """ **int** number of data points in all the objectives. """ npoints = 0 for objective in self.objectives: npoints += objective.npoints return npoints
[docs] def generative(self, pvals=None): """ Concatenated generative curves for the :meth:`refnx.analysis.Objective.generative`. Parameters ---------- pvals : array-like or refnx.analysis.Parameters values for the varying or entire set of parameters Returns ------- generative : np.ndarray Concatenated :meth:`refnx.analysis.Objective.generative` """ self.setp(pvals) generative = np.hstack([o.generative() for o in self.objectives]) return generative
[docs] def residuals(self, pvals=None): """ Concatenated residuals for each of the :meth:`refnx.analysis.Objective.residuals`. Parameters ---------- pvals : array-like or refnx.analysis.Parameters values for the varying or entire set of parameters Returns ------- residuals : np.ndarray Concatenated :meth:`refnx.analysis.Objective.residuals` Notes ----- The Lagrangian multipliers contained in the ``lambdas`` attribute are also included in the calculation of these residual arrays, to permit least squares analyses. If you would like to view un-modified residuals you should calculate them from the individual objectives. """ self.setp(pvals) residuals = [] for objective, _lambda in zip(self.objectives, self.lambdas): residual = _lambda * objective.residuals() residuals.append(residual) return np.concatenate(residuals)
@property def parameters(self): """ :class:`refnx.analysis.Parameters` associated with all the objectives. """ # TODO this is probably going to be slow. # cache and update strategy? p = Parameters(name="global fitting parameters") for objective in self.objectives: p.append(objective.parameters) return p
[docs] def logp(self, pvals=None): """ Calculate the log-prior of the system Parameters ---------- pvals : array-like or refnx.analysis.Parameters, optional values for the varying or entire set of parameters Returns ------- logp : float log-prior probability """ self.setp(pvals) logp = 0.0 for objective in self.objectives: logp += objective.logp() # shortcut if one of the priors is impossible if not np.isfinite(logp): return -np.inf return logp
[docs] def logl(self, pvals=None): """ Calculate the combined log-likelhood of the system. Parameters ---------- pvals : array-like or refnx.analysis.Parameters values for the varying or entire set of parameters Returns ------- logl : float log-likelihood probability Notes ----- The log-likelihood of each of the objectives is multiplied by the respective Lagrangian multiplier in ``GlobalObjective.lambdas``. The purpose of this multiplier is to allow the user to weight certain datasets more heavily (e.g. to make each of the contributions equal). """ self.setp(pvals) logl = 0.0 for objective, _lambda in zip(self.objectives, self.lambdas): logl += _lambda * objective.logl() return logl
[docs] def plot(self, pvals=None, samples=0, parameter=None, fig=None): """ Plot the data/model for all the objectives in the GlobalObjective. Matplotlib must be installed to use this method. Parameters ---------- pvals : np.ndarray, optional Numeric values for the Parameter's that are varying samples: number, optional If the objective has been sampled, how many samples you wish to plot on the graph. parameter: refnx.analysis.Parameter, optional Creates an interactive plot for the Parameter in Jupyter. Requires ipywidgets be installed. Use with %matplotlib notebook/qt. fig: Figure instance, optional If `fig` is not supplied then a new figure is created. Otherwise the graph is created on the current axes on the supplied figure. Returns ------- fig, ax : :class:`matplotlib.Figure`, :class:`matplotlib.Axes` `matplotlib` figure and axes objects. """ self.setp(pvals) if fig is None: import matplotlib.pyplot as plt fig = plt.figure() ax = fig.add_subplot(111) else: ax = fig.gca() generative_plots = [] if samples > 0: saved_params = np.array(self.parameters) # Get a number of chains, chosen randomly, set the objectives, # and plot the model. for pvec in self.pgen(ngen=samples): self.setp(pvec) for objective in self.objectives: y, y_err, model = objective._data_transform( model=objective.generative() ) ax.plot(, model, color="k", alpha=0.01) # put back saved_params self.setp(saved_params) for objective in self.objectives: # add the data (in a transformed fashion) y, y_err, model = objective._data_transform( model=objective.generative() ) if objective.weighted: ax.errorbar(, y, y_err,, ms=3, lw=0, elinewidth=2, marker="o", ) else: ax.scatter(, y, # add the fit generative_plots.append( ax.plot(, model, color="r", lw=1.5, zorder=20)[ 0 ] ) if parameter is None: return fig, ax # create an interactive plot in a Jupyter notebook. def f(val): if parameter is not None: parameter.value = float(val) for i, objective in enumerate(self.objectives): y, y_err, model = objective._data_transform( model=objective.generative() ) generative_plots[i].set_data(, model) fig.canvas.draw() import ipywidgets return fig, ax, ipywidgets.interact(f, val=float(parameter)) return fig, ax
[docs]class Transform: r""" Mathematical transforms of numeric data. Parameters ---------- form : None or str One of: - 'lin' No transform is made - 'logY' log10 transform - 'YX4' YX**4 transform - 'YX2' YX**2 transform - None No transform is made Notes ----- You ask for a transform to be carried out by calling the Transform object directly. >>> x = np.linspace(0.01, 0.1, 11) >>> y = np.linspace(100, 1000, 11) >>> y_err = np.sqrt(y) >>> t = Transform('logY') >>> ty, te = t(x, y, y_err) >>> ty array([2. , 2.2787536 , 2.44715803, 2.56820172, 2.66275783, 2.74036269, 2.80617997, 2.86332286, 2.91381385, 2.95904139, 3. ]) """ def __init__(self, form): types = [None, "lin", "logY", "YX4", "YX2"] self.form = None if form in types: self.form = form else: raise ValueError( "The form parameter must be one of [None, 'lin'," " 'logY', 'YX4', 'YX2']" ) def __repr__(self): return f"Transform({self.form!r})" def __call__(self, x, y, y_err=None): """ Calculate the transformed data Parameters ---------- x : array-like x-values y : array-like y-values y_err : array-like Uncertainties in `y` (standard deviation) Returns ------- yt, et : tuple The transformed data Examples -------- >>> x = np.linspace(0.01, 0.1, 11) >>> y = np.linspace(100, 1000, 11) >>> y_err = np.sqrt(y) >>> t = Transform('logY') >>> ty, te = t(x, y, y_err) >>> ty array([2. , 2.2787536 , 2.44715803, 2.56820172, 2.66275783, 2.74036269, 2.80617997, 2.86332286, 2.91381385, 2.95904139, 3. ]) """ return self.__transform(x, y, y_err=y_err) def __transform(self, x, y, y_err=None): r""" Transform the data passed in Parameters ---------- x : array-like y : array-like y_err : array-like Returns ------- yt, et : tuple The transformed data """ if y_err is None: etemp = np.ones_like(y) else: etemp = y_err if self.form in ["lin", None]: yt = np.copy(y) et = np.copy(etemp) elif self.form == "logY": yt, et = EP.EPlog10(y, etemp) if not np.isfinite(yt).all(): warnings.warn( "Some of the transformed data was non-finite." " Please check your datasets for points with zero or" " negative values.", RuntimeWarning, ) elif self.form == "YX4": yt = y * np.power(x, 4) et = etemp * np.power(x, 4) elif self.form == "YX2": yt = y * np.power(x, 2) et = etemp * np.power(x, 2) if y_err is None: return yt, None else: return yt, et
[docs]def pymc_model(objective): """ Creates a pymc model from an Objective. Requires aesara and pymc be installed. This is an experimental feature. Parameters ---------- objective: refnx.analysis.Objective Returns ------- model: pymc.Model Notes ----- The varying parameters are renamed 'p0', 'p1', etc, as it's vital in pymc that all parameters have their own unique name. """ import pymc as pm import pytensor.tensor as pt from refnx._lib._pymc import _LogLikeWithGrad basic_model = pm.Model() pars = objective.varying_parameters() wrapped_pars = [] with basic_model: # Priors for unknown model parameters for i, par in enumerate(pars): name = "p%d" % i p = _to_pymc_distribution(name, par) wrapped_pars.append(p) # # Expected value of outcome # try: # # Likelihood (sampling distribution) of observations # pm.Normal( # "y_obs", # mu=objective.generative, #, #, # ) # except Exception: # # Falling back, theano autodiff won't work on function object theta = pt.as_tensor_variable(wrapped_pars) logl = _LogLikeWithGrad(objective.logl) pm.Potential("log-likelihood", logl(theta)) return basic_model
def _to_pymc_distribution(name, par): """ Create a pymc continuous distribution from a Bounds object. Parameters ---------- name : str Name of parameter par : refnx.analysis.Parameter The parameter to wrap Returns ------- d : pymc.Distribution The pymc distribution """ import pymc as pm from pytensor import tensor as pt from pytensor.compile.ops import as_op dist = par.bounds # interval and both lb, ub are finite if isinstance(dist, Interval) and np.isfinite([, dist.ub]).all(): return pm.Uniform(name,, dist.ub) # no bounds elif ( isinstance(dist, Interval) and np.isneginf( and np.isinf( ): return pm.Flat(name) # half open uniform elif isinstance(dist, Interval) and not np.isfinite( return dist.ub - pm.HalfFlat(name) # half open uniform elif isinstance(dist, Interval) and not np.isfinite(dist.ub): return + pm.HalfFlat(name) # it's a PDF if isinstance(dist, PDF): dist_gen = getattr(dist.rv, "dist", None) if isinstance(dist.rv, stats.rv_continuous): dist_gen = dist.rv if isinstance(dist_gen, type(stats.uniform)): if hasattr(dist.rv, "args"): p = pm.Uniform( name, dist.rv.args[0], dist.rv.args[1] + dist.rv.args[0], ) else: p = pm.Uniform(name, 0, 1) return p # norm from scipy.stats if isinstance(dist_gen, type(stats.norm)): if hasattr(dist.rv, "args"): p = pm.Normal( name, mu=dist.rv.args[0], sigma=dist.rv.args[1], ) else: p = pm.Normal(name, mu=0, sigma=1) return p # not open, uniform, or normal, so fall back to DensityDist. d = as_op(itypes=[pt.dscalar], otypes=[pt.dscalar])(dist.logp) r = as_op(itypes=[pt.dscalar], otypes=[pt.dscalar])(dist.rvs) p = pm.DensityDist(name, d, random=r) return p