Source code for refnx.analysis.curvefitter

from collections import namedtuple
import sys
import re
import warnings
import array

import numpy as np

from scipy._lib._util import check_random_state
from scipy.optimize import minimize, differential_evolution, least_squares
import scipy.optimize as sciopt

from refnx.analysis import Objective, Interval, PDF, is_parameter
from refnx._lib import (
    unique as f_unique,
from refnx._lib.util import getargspec
from refnx._lib._qmc import LatinHypercube
from refnx._lib import emcee
from refnx._lib.emcee.state import State
from refnx._lib.emcee.pbar import get_progress_bar

MCMCResult = namedtuple(
    "MCMCResult", ["name", "param", "stderr", "chain", "median"]

class PTSampler:
    def __init__(self, ntemps, nwalkers, ndim, logl, logp, **kwargs):
        Shim class for a ptemcee.PTSampler.

        ntemps: int, np.array
            Specifies the number of parallel tempering temperatures.
            If an array specifies a ladder of Beta values.
        nwalkers: int
            Number of walkers
        ndim: int
            Dimensionality of the problem space
        logl: callable
            log-likelihood function
        logp: callable
            log-prior function
            Other keyword arguments supplied to construct the ptemcee.Sampler.
        from refnx._lib.ptemcee import Sampler as _PTSampler

        self.ntemps = ntemps
        self.nwalkers = nwalkers
        self.ndim = ndim
        self.logl = logl
        self.logp = logp
        self.kwargs = kwargs

        sig = {
            "betas": ntemps,
            "nwalkers": nwalkers,
            "ndim": ndim,
            "logl": logl,
            "logp": logp,
        self.sampler = _PTSampler(**sig)

        # chain stepper
        self._ptchain = None
        self._state = None

    def sample(
        Runs the PTSampler for a given number of iterations.

        initial_state: emcee.state.State
            Holds the coordinates of the initial state
        iterations: int
            Number of steps to save into the chain
        thin_by: int
            The saved steps are separated by this many discarded steps.
        progress: bool
            Display a progress bar.
        mapper: map-like callable
            For parallelisation
        kwds: dict
            Unknown keywords

        state: emcee.state.State
            The coordinates of the current state
        if isinstance(initial_state, State):
            init_x = initial_state.coords
            rstate0 = initial_state.random_state
            init_x = initial_state
            rstate0 = np.random.RandomState().get_state()

        if self._ptchain is None:
            self._ptchain = self.sampler.chain(init_x)
            self._ptchain.ensemble.x = init_x

        # set random state of stateful chain
        self.random_state = rstate0

        self._ptchain.thin_by = thin_by

        if mapper is not None:
            self._ptchain.ensemble._mapper = mapper

            with get_progress_bar(progress, iterations * thin_by) as pbar:
                for e in self._ptchain.iterate(iterations):
                    self._state = State(e.x, log_prob=e.logl + e.logP)
                    yield self._state
            self._ptchain.ensemble._mapper = map

    def thermodynamic_integration_log_evidence(self, fburnin=0.1):
        if self._ptchain is not None:
            return self._ptchain.log_evidence_estimate(fburnin)
        return None, None

    def reset(self):
        if self._state is not None:
            self._ptchain = self.sampler.chain(self._state.coords)

    def get_chain(self):
        if self._ptchain is not None:
            return self._ptchain.x
        return None

    def chain(self):
        if self._ptchain is not None:
            return self._ptchain.x
        return None

    def get_log_prob(self):
        if self._ptchain is not None:
            return self._ptchain.logP
        return None

    def random_state(self):
        if self._ptchain is not None:

    def random_state(self, rstate0):
        if self._ptchain is not None:

[docs]class CurveFitter: """ Analyse a curvefitting system (with MCMC sampling) Parameters ---------- objective : refnx.analysis.Objective The :class:`refnx.analysis.Objective` to be analysed. nwalkers : int, optional How many walkers you would like the sampler to have. Must be an even number. The more walkers the better. ntemps : int or None, optional If `ntemps == -1`, then an :class:`emcee.EnsembleSampler` is used during the `sample` method. Otherwise, or if `ntemps is None` then parallel tempering is used with a :class:`ptemcee.sampler.Sampler` object during the `sample` method, with `ntemps` specifing the number of temperatures. Can be `None`, in which case the `Tmax` keyword argument sets the maximum temperature. Parallel Tempering is useful if you expect your posterior distribution to be multi-modal. mcmc_kws : dict Keywords used to create the :class:`emcee.EnsembleSampler` or :class:`ptemcee.sampler.Sampler` objects. Notes ----- See the documentation at for further details on what keywords are permitted, and for further information on Parallel Tempering. The `pool` and `threads` keywords are ignored here. Specification of parallel threading is done with the `pool` argument in the `sample` method. """ def __init__(self, objective, nwalkers=200, ntemps=-1, **mcmc_kws): """ Parameters ---------- objective : refnx.analysis.Objective The :class:`refnx.analysis.Objective` to be analysed. nwalkers : int, optional How many walkers you would like the sampler to have. Must be an even number. The more walkers the better. ntemps : int or None, optional If `ntemps == -1`, then an :class:`emcee.EnsembleSampler` is used during the `sample` method. Otherwise, or if `ntemps is None` then parallel tempering is used with a :class:`ptemcee.sampler.Sampler` object during the `sample` method, with `ntemps` specifing the number of temperatures. Can be `None`, in which case the `Tmax` keyword argument sets the maximum temperature. Parallel Tempering is useful if you expect your posterior distribution to be multi-modal. mcmc_kws : dict Keywords used to create the :class:`emcee.EnsembleSampler` or :class:`ptemcee.sampler.PTSampler` objects. Notes ----- See the documentation at for further details on what keywords are permitted. The `pool` and keyword is ignored here. Specification of parallel threading is done with the `pool` argument in the `sample` method. To use parallel tempering you will need to install the :package:`ptemcee` package. """ self.objective = objective self._varying_parameters = [] self.__var_id = [] self.mcmc_kws = {} if mcmc_kws is not None: self.mcmc_kws.update(mcmc_kws) if "pool" in self.mcmc_kws: self.mcmc_kws.pop("pool") if "threads" in self.mcmc_kws: self.mcmc_kws.pop("threads") self._nwalkers = nwalkers self._ntemps = ntemps self.make_sampler() self._state = None def __setstate__(self, state): self.__dict__.update(state) self.__var_id = [ id(obj) for obj in self.objective.varying_parameters() ] @property def nvary(self): return len(self._varying_parameters) def __repr__(self): # attempt to get a minimum repr for a CurveFitter. However, # it has so much state when the sampling has been done, that # will be ignored. return ( f"CurveFitter({self.objective!r}," f" nwalkers={self._nwalkers}," f" ntemps={self._ntemps}," f" {self.mcmc_kws!r})" )
[docs] def make_sampler(self): """ Make the samplers for the Objective. Use this method if the number of varying parameters changes. """ self._varying_parameters = self.objective.varying_parameters() self.__var_id = [id(obj) for obj in self._varying_parameters] if not self.nvary: raise ValueError("No parameters are being fitted") if self._ntemps == -1: self.sampler = emcee.EnsembleSampler( self._nwalkers, self.nvary, self.objective.logpost, **self.mcmc_kws, ) # Parallel Tempering was requested. else: sig = { "ntemps": self._ntemps, "nwalkers": self._nwalkers, "ndim": self.nvary, "logl": self.objective.logl, "logp": self.objective.logp, } sig.update(self.mcmc_kws) self.sampler = PTSampler(**sig) self._state = None
def _check_vars_unchanged(self): """ Keep track of whether the varying parameters have changed after construction of CurveFitter object. """ var_ids = [id(obj) for obj in self.objective.varying_parameters()] if not (np.array_equal(var_ids, self.__var_id)): raise RuntimeError( "The Objective.varying_parameters() have" " changed since the CurveFitter was created." " To keep on using the CurveFitter call" " the CurveFitter.make_samplers() method." )
[docs] def initialise(self, pos="covar", random_state=None): """ Initialise the emcee walkers. Parameters ---------- pos : str or np.ndarray Method for initialising the emcee walkers. One of: - 'covar', use the estimated covariance of the system. - 'jitter', add a small amount of gaussian noise to each parameter - 'prior', sample random locations from the prior using Latin Hyper Cube. - pos, an array that specifies a snapshot of the walkers. Has shape `(nwalkers, ndim)`, or `(ntemps, nwalkers, ndim)` if parallel tempering is employed. You can also provide a previously created chain. random_state : {int, `np.random.RandomState`, `np.random.Generator`} If `random_state` is not specified the `~np.random.RandomState` singleton is used. If `random_state` is an int, a new ``RandomState`` instance is used, seeded with random_state. If `random_state` is already a ``RandomState`` or a ``Generator`` instance, then that object is used. Specify `random_state` for repeatable initialisations. """ nwalkers = self._nwalkers nvary = self.nvary # acquire a random number generator rng = check_random_state(random_state) # account for parallel tempering _ntemps = self._ntemps # If you're not doing parallel tempering, temporarily set the number of # temperatures to be created to 1, thereby producing initial positions # of (1, nwalkers, nvary), this first dimension should be removed at # the end of the method if self._ntemps == -1: _ntemps = 1 # position is specified with array (no parallel tempering) if ( isinstance(pos, np.ndarray) and self._ntemps == -1 and pos.shape == (nwalkers, nvary) ): init_walkers = np.copy(pos)[np.newaxis] # position is specified with array (with parallel tempering) elif ( isinstance(pos, np.ndarray) and self._ntemps > -1 and pos.shape == (_ntemps, nwalkers, nvary) ): init_walkers = np.copy(pos) # position is specified with existing chain elif isinstance(pos, np.ndarray): self.initialise_with_chain(pos) return # position is to be created from covariance matrix elif pos == "covar": p0 = np.array(self._varying_parameters) cov = self.objective.covar() init_walkers = rng.multivariate_normal( np.atleast_1d(p0), np.atleast_2d(cov), size=(_ntemps, nwalkers) ) # position is specified by jittering the parameters with gaussian noise elif pos == "jitter": var_arr = np.array(self._varying_parameters) pos = 1 + rng.standard_normal((_ntemps, nwalkers, nvary)) * 1.0e-4 pos *= var_arr init_walkers = pos # use the prior to initialise position elif pos == "prior": arr = np.zeros((_ntemps, nwalkers, nvary)) LHC = LatinHypercube(nvary, seed=random_state) samples = LHC.random(n=_ntemps * nwalkers).reshape( _ntemps, nwalkers, nvary ) for i, param in enumerate(self._varying_parameters): # bounds are not a closed interval, just jitter it. if ( isinstance(param.bounds, Interval) and not param.bounds._closed_bounds ): vals = ( 1 + rng.standard_normal((_ntemps, nwalkers)) * 1.0e-1 ) vals *= param.value arr[..., i] = vals else: sample_arr = samples[..., i] transformed = param.bounds.invcdf(sample_arr) arr[..., i] = transformed init_walkers = arr else: raise RuntimeError( "Didn't use any known method for CurveFitter.initialise" ) # if you're not doing parallel tempering then remove the first # dimension if self._ntemps == -1: init_walkers = init_walkers[0] # now validate initialisation, ensuring all init pos have finite # logpost for i, param in enumerate(self._varying_parameters): init_walkers[..., i] = param.valid(init_walkers[..., i]) rstate0 = None if isinstance(rng, np.random.RandomState): rstate0 = rng.get_state() self._state = State(init_walkers, random_state=rstate0) # finally reset the sampler to reset the chain # you have to do this at the end, not at the start because resetting # makes self.sampler.chain == None and the PTsampler creation doesn't # work self.sampler.reset()
[docs] def initialise_with_chain(self, chain): """ Initialise sampler with a pre-existing chain Parameters ---------- chain : array Array of size `(steps, ntemps, nwalkers, ndim)` or `(steps, nwalkers, ndim)`, containing a chain from a previous sampling run. """ # we should be left with (nwalkers, ndim) or (ntemp, nwalkers, ndim) if self._ntemps == -1: required_shape = (self._nwalkers, self.nvary) else: required_shape = (self._ntemps, self._nwalkers, self.nvary) chain_shape = chain.shape[1:] # if the shapes are the same, then we can initialise if required_shape == chain_shape: self.initialise(pos=chain[-1]) else: raise ValueError( "You tried to initialise with a chain, but it was" " the wrong shape" )
@property def chain(self): """ MCMC chain belonging to CurveFitter.sampler Returns ------- chain : array The MCMC chain with shape `(steps, nwalkers, ndim)` or `(steps, ntemps, nwalkers, ndim)`. """ return self.sampler.get_chain() @property def logpost(self): """ Log-probability for each of the entries in `self.chain` """ return self.sampler.get_log_prob() @property def index_max_prob(self): """ The index of the highest log-probability for the samples """ log_probs = self.sampler.get_log_prob() if isinstance(self.sampler, PTSampler): log_probs = log_probs[:, 0] loc = np.argmax(log_probs) idx = np.unravel_index(loc, log_probs.shape) if isinstance(self.sampler, PTSampler): idx = list(idx) idx.insert(1, 0) return tuple(idx) return idx
[docs] def reset(self): """ Reset the sampled chain. Typically used on a sampler after a burn-in period. """ self.sampler.reset()
[docs] def acf(self, nburn=0, nthin=1): """ Calculate the autocorrelation function Returns ------- acfs : np.ndarray The autocorrelation function, acfs.shape=(lags, nvary) """ return autocorrelation_chain(self.chain, nburn=nburn, nthin=nthin)
[docs] def sample( self, steps, nthin=1, random_state=None, f=None, callback=None, verbose=True, pool=-1, ): """ Performs sampling from the objective. Parameters ---------- steps : int Collect `steps` samples into the chain. The sampler will run a total of `steps * nthin` moves. nthin : int, optional Each chain sample is separated by `nthin` iterations. random_state : {int, `np.random.RandomState`, `np.random.Generator`} If `random_state` is not specified the `~np.random.RandomState` singleton is used. If `random_state` is an int, a new ``RandomState`` instance is used, seeded with random_state. If `random_state` is already a ``RandomState`` or a ``Generator`` instance, then that object is used. Specify `random_state` for repeatable minimizations. f : file-like or str File to incrementally save chain progress to. Each row in the file is a flattened array of size `(nwalkers, ndim)` or `(ntemps, nwalkers, ndim)`. There are `steps` rows in the file. callback : callable callback function to be called at each iteration step. Has the signature `callback(coords, logprob)`. verbose : bool, optional Gives updates on the sampling progress pool : int or map-like object, optional If `pool` is an `int` then it specifies the number of threads to use for parallelization. If `pool == -1`, then all CPU's are used. If pool is a map-like callable that follows the same calling sequence as the built-in map function, then this pool is used for parallelisation. Notes ----- Please see :class:`emcee.EnsembleSampler` for its detailed behaviour. >>> # we'll burn the first 500 steps >>> fitter.sample(500) >>> # after you've run those, then discard them by resetting the >>> # sampler. >>> fitter.sampler.reset() >>> # Now collect 40 steps, each step separated by 50 sampler >>> # generations. >>> fitter.sample(40, nthin=50) One can also burn and thin in `Curvefitter.process_chain`. """ self._check_vars_unchanged() # setup a random number generator rng = check_random_state(random_state) if self._state is None: self.initialise(random_state=rng) # for saving progress to file def _callback_wrapper(state, h=None): if callback is not None: callback(state.coords, state.log_prob) if h is not None: h.write(" ".join(map(str, state.coords.ravel()))) h.write("\n") # remove chains from each of the parameters because they slow down # pickling but only if they are parameter objects. flat_params = f_unique(flatten(self.objective.parameters)) flat_params = [param for param in flat_params if is_parameter(param)] # zero out all the old parameter stderrs for param in flat_params: param.stderr = None param.chain = None # make sure the checkpoint file exists if f is not None: with possibly_open_file(f, "w") as h: # write the shape of each step of the chain h.write("# ") shape = self._state.coords.shape h.write(", ".join(map(str, shape))) h.write("\n") # set the random state of the sampler # normally one could give this as an argument to the sample method # but PTSampler didn't historically accept that... if isinstance(rng, np.random.RandomState): rstate0 = rng.get_state() self._state.random_state = rstate0 self.sampler.random_state = rstate0 # using context manager means we kill off zombie pool objects # but does mean that the pool has to be specified each time. with MapWrapper(pool) as g, possibly_open_file(f, "a") as h: # these kwargs are provided to the sampler.sample method kwargs = {"iterations": steps, "thin": nthin} # if you're not creating more than 1 thread, then don't bother with # a pool. if isinstance(self.sampler, emcee.EnsembleSampler): if pool == 1: self.sampler.pool = None else: self.sampler.pool = g else: kwargs["mapper"] = g # new emcee arguments sampler_args = getargspec(self.sampler.sample).args if "progress" in sampler_args and verbose: kwargs["progress"] = True verbose = False if "thin_by" in sampler_args: kwargs["thin_by"] = nthin kwargs.pop("thin", 0) # perform the sampling for state in self.sampler.sample(self._state, **kwargs): self._state = state _callback_wrapper(state, h=h) if isinstance(self.sampler, emcee.EnsembleSampler): self.sampler.pool = None # sets parameter value and stderr return process_chain(self.objective, self.chain)
[docs] def fit(self, method="L-BFGS-B", target="nll", verbose=True, **kws): """ Obtain the maximum log-likelihood, or log-posterior, estimate (mode) of the objective. Maximising the log-likelihood is equivalent to minimising chi2 in a least squares fit. Parameters ---------- method : str which method to use for the optimisation. One of: - `'least_squares'`: :func:`scipy.optimize.least_squares`. - `'L-BFGS-B'`: L-BFGS-B. - `'differential_evolution'`: :func:`scipy.optimize.differential_evolution` - `'dual_annealing'`: :func:`scipy.optimize.dual_annealing` (SciPy >= 1.2.0) - `'shgo'`: :func:`scipy.optimize.shgo` (SciPy >= 1.2.0) You can also choose many of the minimizers from :func:`scipy.optimize.minimize`. target : {'nll', 'nlpost'}, optional Minimize the negative log-likelihood (`'nll'`) or the negative log-posterior (`'nlpost'`). This is equivalent to maximising the likelihood or posterior probabilities respectively. Maximising the likelihood is equivalent to minimising chi^2 in a least-squares fit. This option only applies to the `differential_evolution`, `shgo`, `dual_annealing` or `L-BFGS-B` methods. These optimisers require lower and upper (box) bounds for each parameter. If the `Bounds` on a parameter are not an `Interval`, but a `PDF` specifying a statistical distribution, then the lower and upper bounds are approximated as ``PDF.rv.ppf([0.005, 0.995])``, covering 99 % of the statistical distribution. verbose : bool, optional Gives fitting progress. To see a progress bar tqdm has to be installed. kws : dict Additional arguments are passed to the underlying minimization method. Returns ------- result, covar : :class:`scipy.optimize.OptimizeResult`, np.ndarray `result.x` contains the best fit parameters `result.covar` is the covariance matrix for the fit. `result.stderr` is the uncertainties on each of the fit parameters. Notes ----- If the `objective` supplies a `residuals` method then `least_squares` can be used. Otherwise the `nll` method of the `objective` is minimised. Use this method just before a sampling run. If `self.objective.parameters` is a `Parameters` instance, then each of the varying parameters has its value updated by the fit, and each `Parameter` has a `stderr` attribute which represents the uncertainty on the fit parameter. The use of `dual annealing` and `shgo` requires that `scipy >= 1.2.0` be installed. """ _varying_parameters = self.objective.varying_parameters() init_pars = np.array(_varying_parameters) _min_kws = {} _min_kws.update(kws) _bounds = bounds_list(self.objective.varying_parameters()) _min_kws["bounds"] = _bounds # setup callback default _min_kws.setdefault("callback", None) cost = self.objective.nll if target == "nlpost": cost = self.objective.nlpost # a decorator for the progress bar updater def _callback_wrapper(callback_func, pbar): def callback(intermediate_result, *args, **kwds): pbar.update(1) if hasattr(pbar, "set_description"): if hasattr(intermediate_result, "fun"): _stat = elif isinstance(intermediate_result, np.ndarray): _stat = cost(intermediate_result) pbar.set_description(f"{_stat}") if callback_func is None: return None else: return callback_func(intermediate_result, *args, **kwds) return callback # least_squares Trust Region Reflective by default if method == "least_squares": b = np.array(_bounds) _min_kws["bounds"] = (b[..., 0], b[..., 1]) # least_squares doesn't have a callback _min_kws.pop("callback", None) res = least_squares( self.objective.residuals, init_pars, **_min_kws ) # differential_evolution, dual_annealing, shgo require lower and upper # bounds elif method in ["differential_evolution", "dual_annealing", "shgo"]: mini = getattr(sciopt, method) if method == "shgo": if "n" not in _min_kws: _min_kws["n"] = 100 if "iters" not in kws: _min_kws["iters"] = 5 with get_progress_bar(verbose, None) as pbar: _min_kws["callback"] = _callback_wrapper( _min_kws["callback"], pbar ) res = mini(cost, **_min_kws) else: # otherwise stick it to minimizer. Default being L-BFGS-B _min_kws["method"] = method _min_kws["bounds"] = _bounds with get_progress_bar(verbose, None) as pbar: _min_kws["callback"] = _callback_wrapper( _min_kws["callback"], pbar ) res = minimize(cost, init_pars, **_min_kws) # OptimizeResult.success may not be present (dual annealing) if hasattr(res, "success") and res.success: self.objective.setp(res.x) # Covariance matrix estimation covar = self.objective.covar() errors = np.sqrt(np.diag(covar)) res["covar"] = covar res["stderr"] = errors # check if the parameters are all Parameter instances. flat_params = list(f_unique(flatten(self.objective.parameters))) if np.all([is_parameter(param) for param in flat_params]): # zero out all the old parameter stderrs for param in flat_params: param.stderr = None param.chain = None for i, param in enumerate(_varying_parameters): param.stderr = errors[i] # need to touch up the output to check we leave # parameters as we found them self.objective.setp(res.x) return res
[docs]def load_chain(f): """ Loads a chain from disk. Does not change the state of a CurveFitter object. Parameters ---------- f : str or file-like File containing the chain. Returns ------- chain : array The loaded chain - `(nsteps, nwalkers, ndim)` or `(nsteps, ntemps, nwalkers, ndim)` """ with possibly_open_file(f, "r") as g: # read header header = g.readline() expr = re.compile(r"(\d+)") matches = expr.findall(header) if matches: if len(matches) == 3: ntemps, nwalkers, ndim = map(int, matches) elif len(matches) == 2: ntemps = None nwalkers, ndim = map(int, matches) else: raise ValueError("Couldn't read header line of chain file") chain = np.loadtxt(f) if ntemps is not None: chain = np.reshape(chain, (-1, ntemps, nwalkers, ndim)) else: chain = np.reshape(chain, (-1, nwalkers, ndim)) return chain
[docs]def process_chain(objective, chain, nburn=0, nthin=1, flatchain=False): """ Process the chain produced by a sampler for a given Objective Parameters ---------- objective : refnx.analysis.Objective The Objective function that the Posterior was sampled for chain : array The MCMC chain nburn : int, optional discard this many steps from the start of the chain nthin : int, optional only accept every `nthin` samples from the chain flatchain : bool, optional collapse the walkers down into a single dimension. Returns ------- [(param, stderr, chain)] : list List of (param, stderr, chain) tuples. If `isinstance(objective.parameters, Parameters)` then `param` is a `Parameter` instance. `param.value`, `param.stderr` and `param.chain` will contain the median, stderr and chain samples, respectively. Otherwise `param` will be a float representing the median of the chain samples. `stderr` is the half width of the [15.87, 84.13] spread (similar to standard deviation) and `chain` is an array containing the MCMC samples for that parameter. Notes ----- The chain should have the shape `(iterations, nwalkers, nvary)` or `(iterations, ntemps, nwalkers, nvary)` if parallel tempering was employed. The burned and thinned chain is created via: `chain[nburn::nthin]`. Note, if parallel tempering is employed, then only the lowest temperature of the parallel tempering chain is processed and returned as it corresponds to the (lowest energy) target distribution. If `flatten is True` then the burned/thinned chain is reshaped and `arr.reshape(-1, nvary)` is returned. This function has the effect of setting the parameter stderr's. """ chain = chain[nburn::nthin] shape = chain.shape nvary = shape[-1] # nwalkers = shape[1] if len(shape) == 4: ntemps = shape[1] elif len(shape) == 3: ntemps = -1 if ntemps != -1: # PTSampler, we require the target distribution in the first row. chain = chain[:, 0] _flatchain = chain.reshape((-1, nvary)) if flatchain: chain = _flatchain flat_params = list(f_unique(flatten(objective.parameters))) varying_parameters = objective.varying_parameters() # set the stderr of each of the Parameters result_list = [] if np.all([is_parameter(param) for param in flat_params]): # zero out all the old parameter stderrs for param in flat_params: param.stderr = None param.chain = None # do the error calcn for the varying parameters and set the chain quantiles = np.percentile(_flatchain, [15.87, 50, 84.13], axis=0) for i, param in enumerate(varying_parameters): std_l, median, std_u = quantiles[:, i] param.value = median param.stderr = 0.5 * (std_u - std_l) # copy in the chain param.chain = np.copy(chain[..., i]) res = MCMCResult(, param=param, median=param.value, stderr=param.stderr, chain=param.chain, ) result_list.append(res) fitted_values = np.array(varying_parameters) # give each constrained param a chain (to be reshaped later) constrained_params = [ param for param in flat_params if param.constraint is not None ] for constrain_param in constrained_params: constrain_param.chain = np.empty(chain.shape[:-1], float) # now iterate through the varying parameters, set the values, thereby # setting the constraint value if len(constrained_params): for index in np.ndindex(chain.shape[:-1]): # iterate over parameter vectors pvals = chain[index] objective.setp(pvals) for constrain_param in constrained_params: constrain_param.chain[index] = constrain_param.value for constrain_param in constrained_params: quantiles = np.percentile( constrain_param.chain, [15.87, 50, 84.13] ) std_l, median, std_u = quantiles constrain_param.value = median constrain_param.stderr = 0.5 * (std_u - std_l) # now reset fitted parameter values (they would've been changed by # constraints calculations objective.setp(fitted_values) # the parameter set are not Parameter objects, an array was probably # being used with BaseObjective. else: for i in range(nvary): c = np.copy(chain[..., i]) median, stderr = uncertainty_from_chain(c) res = MCMCResult( name="", param=median, median=median, stderr=stderr, chain=c ) result_list.append(res) return result_list
def uncertainty_from_chain(chain): """ Calculates the median and uncertainty of MC samples. Parameters ---------- chain : array-like Returns ------- median, stderr : float, float `median` of the chain samples. `stderr` is half the width of the [15.87, 84.13] spread. """ flatchain = chain.flatten() std_l, median, std_u = np.percentile(flatchain, [15.87, 50, 84.13]) return median, 0.5 * (std_u - std_l)
[docs]def autocorrelation_chain(chain, nburn=0, nthin=1): """ Calculate the autocorrelation function Parameters ---------- chain : np.ndarray The MCMC chain - `(nsteps, nwalkers, ndim)` or `(nsteps, ntemps, nwalkers, ndim)` Returns ------- acfs : np.ndarray The autocorrelation function, acfs.shape=(lags, nvary) """ lchain = chain # parallel tempered chain if len(chain.shape) == 4: lchain = lchain[:, 0] lchain = lchain[nburn::nthin] # (iterations, walkers, vary) -> (vary, walkers, iterations) lchain = np.swapaxes(lchain, 0, 2) shape = lchain.shape[:-1] acfs = np.zeros_like(lchain) # iterate over each parameter/walker for index in np.ndindex(*shape): s = _function_1d(lchain[index]) acfs[index] = s # now average over walkers acfs = np.mean(acfs, axis=1) return np.transpose(acfs)
def bounds_list(parameters): """ Approximates interval bounds for a parameter set. Parameters ---------- parameters : sequence A sequence containing individual parameters Returns ------- bounds: tuple ``(min, max)`` pairs that define the finite lower and upper bounds every element in ``parameters``. If the `Bounds` applied by a parameter are a `PDF` instance then the upper and lower bound are approximated by ``PDF.rv.ppf([0.005, 0.995])``, which covers 99% of the statistical distribution. """ bounds = [] for param in parameters: if hasattr(param, "bounds") and isinstance(param.bounds, Interval): bnd = param.bounds bounds.append((, bnd.ub)) elif ( hasattr(param, "bounds") and isinstance(param.bounds, PDF) and hasattr(param.bounds.rv, "ppf") ): bounds.append(param.bounds.rv.ppf([0.005, 0.995])) else: # We can't handle this bound bounds.append((-np.inf, np.inf)) return bounds # Following code is for autocorrelation analysis of chains and is taken from # emcee.autocorr def _next_pow_two(n): """Returns the next power of two greater than or equal to `n`""" i = 1 while i < n: i = i << 1 return i def _function_1d(x): """Estimate the normalized autocorrelation function of a 1-D series Args: x: The series as a 1-D numpy array. Returns: array: The autocorrelation function of the time series. """ x = np.atleast_1d(x) if len(x.shape) != 1: raise ValueError("invalid dimensions for 1D autocorrelation function") n = _next_pow_two(len(x)) # Compute the FFT and then (from that) the auto-correlation function f = np.fft.fft(x - np.mean(x), n=2 * n) acf = np.fft.ifft(f * np.conjugate(f))[: len(x)].real acf /= acf[0] return acf